Levin Sefir the Second

This male half elf enjoys travelling and storytelling. He does so in a distinctive bright blue Cartary finished in Irredescent Enamel. He is related to the famous evlen adventurer Dafydd Benyal. He is truely like a grandson. (Mind you it is actually just because his mother's first marriage was to a son of Dafydd, and he isn't actually blood related). He is fond of stories, songs and a bit of trade in exotic items. He makes some money by being a courier over the various regions around the The Raikirian Desert.   His wife Derota is patient and hopes soon to settle down and travel less. She is encouraging this to have seomthing a bit more stable for their two boys. Levin the Third and Adro (eleven and five respectively). Her current desire is to settle in the Shadow Valley near the High Hold where Levin's mother is residing.    Levin is currently compiling his great work of legends and stories of the desert lands. He hopes just a few more stories (though it always seems a few more stories) will be what he needs to complete the compiled work. He is always eager to hear peoples renditions of folklore and ply them with his own. Many he has certainly embellished over time. His son Levin III is becoming quite the flute player and popular at many of the stops he makes in his travels.
Date of Birth
4th of the High Days
Year of Birth
7049 IR 32 Years old
Wide brown eyes
medium, wavy cut with just a hint of receding and thinning hairline
5' 11"
190 lb

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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