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Elcant (El-Kant)

(a.k.a. The Shadowblade)

Elcant, a man in his forties exuding an air of quiet confidence, bore the hallmark of a distinguished figure across the Isles. With his striking long brown hair and unassuming demeanor, he belied the latent magical prowess that lay dormant within him for the initial half of his life. Originating from a modest town, Elcant's journey unfolded as a famed merchant whose accomplishments surpassed the realm of commerce. During the tumultuous epoch of the Dark War, his trajectory shifted as he lent his formidable skills to Elliott as a mercenary. Elcant's indelible mark on the conflict manifested through a series of remarkable feats—his strategic occupation of Valtara, the fateful demise of Balor, and resounding victories over adversaries such as Lioloth, Draconna, and even the formidable servants of Abraxas. His pivotal role in the ultimate defeat of Abraxas solidified his legacy as a hero transcending his origins as a merchant. Elcant's journey from a humble birth to an illustrious champion echoed across the annals of the Crean Isles, etching his name in the history of the Dark War.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Armed with the formidable skills of Combat Magic, Elcant emerged as a skilled combatant, wielding magical enhancements to augment his prowess in battles. This mastery not only steered pivotal victories but also became integral to navigating dire circumstances on the battlefield.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in a nondescript town, Elcant's early life held no foreshadowing of the magical prowess that lay dormant within him. His aspirations soared beyond the provinciality of his birthplace; he dreamt of merchant fame, hoping to carve his legacy across the Isles. The onset of the Dark War marked a turning point. Drawn into the conflict's turmoil, he shifted from the realms of commerce to the battlegrounds, serving as a mercenary under King Elliott's employ. The aftermath of the war found Elcant confronting the repercussions of his corruption, embarking on a journey marked by seeking redemption and reconciling the shadows of his past deeds.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Throughout the Dark War, Elcant's path was etched with strategic brilliance and martial expertise. His occupation of Valtara, the pivotal victories against Balor, Lioloth, Draconna, and the subjugation of Abraxas' formidable servants, stood as testament to his pivotal role in shaping the war's outcome.

Morality & Philosophy

Elcant's moral compass underwent profound shifts. Driven initially by ambition and aspirations of success, he shifted loyalties to serve King Elliott before succumbing to the insidious manipulation of Abraxas, leading to his corruption during the Dark War. Post-corruption, his conscience weighed heavily, spurring him on a path of seeking redemption and mending the fractures of his past actions.

Personality Characteristics


From humble origins and aspirations for merchant fame, Elcant's motivations pivoted through allegiance shifts and corruption during the war. Post-corruption, his motivations metamorphosed into a quest for redemption and rectification of the chaos he had unwittingly contributed to.

Virtues & Personality perks

Elcant's strengths extended beyond mere magical prowess. His keen intellect and strategic acumen elevated him, enabling him to craft cunning strategies that outmaneuvered adversaries. His adeptness in combat, augmented by his magical abilities, rendered him a force to be reckoned with.

Vices & Personality flaws

Yet, his Achilles' heel lay in his susceptibility to manipulation. Abraxas' sinister influence, exploiting Elcant's vulnerabilities, marked a significant downfall, marring an otherwise astute judgment. This vulnerability, though a flaw, underscored the complexity of his character.
Current Location
Year of Birth
24 B.D.W. 46 Years old
Serendal, Arium
Long Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'm not worried about the liches... I have just been feeling really off lately". - Elcant to Elliott before the Battle of Maniver, where he turns into Elcan.   "My true name is Elcant. I was once a normal human just like you. Then, I found a sword of an evil, dark being. I was naive, so I kept it instead of delivering it to the king. That being was able to corrupt me, and turn me into Elcan... I will help you take him down. His name is Abraxas". - Elcant after being freed from corruption by Albion, where he talks about Abraxas.   "Only darkness can truly defeat darkness... Long ago, Abraxas consumed a powerful dark artifact and gained it's power. This artifact can be reforged again, but it's components are guarded by the Necromancers. If we forge this artifact, we may be able to finally defeat Abraxas. It needs to be activated to reach it's full potential, but I do not possess the knowledge of where it has to be activated" - Elcant tells Albion about the Armour of the Damned.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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