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The Dark War (The Dark War)

The Dark War, a harrowing conflict, unfolded across the diverse landscapes of the Crean Isles, spanning nations such as New Arium, Preton, Lisena, Anteos, Ous, and Reaver. It ravaged iconic locations, including Nax Fort, Ghoulkeep, Terminus, Noxis, Antaria, and the Dark Wastes, among others. This conflict wasn't limited to physical battles but seeped into the very essence of the Isles, leaving scars on the political and social fabric. Cities once thriving were reduced to rubble, nations were torn asunder, and alliances were tested and reshaped. The impact was profound, reshaping the geopolitics of the Isles and leaving a legacy of both devastation and newfound unity among surviving nations, forever altering the course of the Crean Isles' history.

The Conflict


In the prelude to the Dark War, the ancient conflict began with the Battle of the Elders. Here, the legendary founders of Preton and Lisena, Dargath and Casmetra, forged an alliance with Naxion, the elemental king, against the looming threat of Arravan, a dark lich. However, their valiant efforts ended in tragedy when Arravan struck them down, marking the genesis of impending doom. Simultaneously, Arravan sought to bolster his power, leading to the Siege of Ghoulkeep. In this harrowing event, Arravan invaded the abandoned city, guarded by demonic sentinels. Employing the Statue of Legion, Arravan's intent was to summon the malevolent being Abraxas. However, Abraxas, unimpressed by Arravan's efforts, swiftly dispatched the lich, considering him redundant. The aftermath ushered in a prolonged period known as the Silence, spanning ninety years, during which Abraxas meticulously schemed and plotted the events of the impending Dark War. This strategic interlude allowed Abraxas to plan meticulously, laying the groundwork for his malevolent designs to seize control over the Crean Isles. Amidst this silence, the Battle of the Planes marked the incendiary commencement of the Dark War. Abraxas, driven by his insatiable lust for power, engaged in a fierce battle across elemental planes, culminating in his acquisition of the potent Armor of the Damned. This pivotal victory significantly augmented his strength and set the stage for the impending conflict that would ravage the Crean Isles.


The Fall of Nax Fort:  Abraxas, accompanied by his formidable generals, orchestrated the ruthless conquest of Nax Fort, marking a significant blow to Arium's defenses. In this pivotal clash, Abraxas's forces invaded and overran the fortification, ultimately claiming victory by slaying Naxion, the elemental ruler. This devastating encounter served as a turning point, shattering the stronghold and setting the stage for Abraxas's dominance.   The Trade Centre Siege:  Following Naxion's demise, Elliott ascended to command and targeted Preton for the perceived summoning of Abraxas. In retaliation, Anfal and Balor, leading the Pretonian army, launched an assault on the Trade Centre. This siege severely weakened Arium and Elliott's authority, destabilizing the region and amplifying tensions amidst the escalating conflict.   The Battle of Maniver:  During this clash, Abraxas completed the corruption of Elcant into Elcan, while simultaneously betraying Dreade. Elcan, now fully under Abraxas's control, confronted Dreade, forcing the fire demon to flee, leaving him at the mercy of Elcan's burgeoning power.   The Battle of Heavengate:  Elcan's relentless advance led to the invasion of Heavengate, Arium's new capital. In this tumultuous engagement, Elliott met his demise, signaling the collapse of Arium under the overwhelming force of Elcan's assault.   The Assault of the Hero:  Amidst the chaos, Unthil liberated Albion from the clutches of necromancers, forging an alliance and establishing New Arium in a bid to resist the encroaching darkness.   Elcan's Clash:  The nascent Crimson Knights, comprising Albion, Anfal, Lioloth, and Dreade, confronted the corrupted Elcan. In a fierce clash, they succeeded in purging his corruption, revealing crucial information about Abraxas and integrating Elcan into their alliance.   The Clash of Snow and the Battle of the Swamps:  Anfal and Lioloth, in separate encounters, targeted Abraxas's generals. Anfal slew Hiroh in the Clash of Snow, while Lioloth's cunning led to Kahr's demise in the Battle of the Swamps, weakening Abraxas's command structure.   The Siege of Noxis:  Albion's strategic prowess led to the siege of Noxis, where he vanquished Aragus and bested Morpheus. Freed from imprisonment, Deathbringer and Morpheus joined forces with the Crimson Knights, strengthening their cause.   The Battle of the Dark Wastes:  In this monumental clash, the Crimson Knights faced Nentryl's formidable army. The titanic engagement witnessed the Knights decimating much of Nentryl's forces, reshaping the tides of war in their favor.   The Battle of Antaria:  The ultimate showdown saw the Crimson Knights storming Antaria, Abraxas's bastion. In a climactic confrontation, Albion's leadership culminated in Abraxas's downfall, culminating in the demise of the malevolent force and the conclusion of the Dark War.


The Crean Isles became the sprawling canvas of the cataclysmic Dark War, primarily centered on Caena, the largest island. Nax Fort and Heavengate, once strongholds of Arium's elemental might, witnessed pivotal clashes like the Fall of Nax Fort and the Siege of Heavengate, symbolizing Arium's downfall. Preton's capital, Valtara, faced invasion and liberation, notably during the Trade Centre Siege, causing severe damage to Arium's resources. On Exlis, Lisena's Mossden felt the impact of conflict as Lioloth valiantly resisted Elcant's aggression, leaving marks on the swampy terrain. Meanwhile, Maniver's fiery domain, particularly Incidea, saw Elcan's corruption and Dreade's betrayal unfold, altering the island's infernal landscape. Litchmeuse, housing Ous and Reaver, bore its underground battles in Noxis and Blightrein, where the Siege of Noxis and the rise of Reaver reshaped the subterranean realms. Beyond Caena, other islands felt the reverberations of war. Ellismeda, guarded by dragons, remained a neutral ground amidst chaos. Smiwell goblin tribes underwent cultural upheaval, hosting diverse creatures, while their island served as a unique microcosm within the larger conflict. The Dark War's impact left scars and reshaped destinies across these diverse landscapes, imprinting the Isles' history with tales of strategic victories, harrowing losses, and profound transformations.

The Engagement

Arium, a dominant force early in the conflict, found itself embroiled in pivotal battles such as the Fall of Nax Fort and the Siege of Heavengate. Its presence shaped the initial stages of the war, yet succumbed to Abraxas's relentless advance, leading to Arium's collapse. Nentryl, the primary instigator of the war, remained a constant and menacing force throughout. Its relentless pursuit of power and dark arts kept it entrenched in every phase of the conflict, casting a pervasive shadow across the Isles. Preton, a stalwart in the struggle, engaged in critical battles across the conflict's timeline. From early confrontations to the war's later stages, Preton's resilience and strategic prowess played a pivotal role in the resistance against Abraxas's darkness. New Arium emerged later but wielded substantial influence in crucial later battles. Despite its nascent origins, it proved instrumental in shifting the tides against Abraxas's forces. Lisena, heavily engaged in the war's latter half, showcased resilience and valor, impacting critical encounters that shaped the conflict's course. Anteos, initially aligned with Nentryl, eventually pivoted to ally with the Crimson Knights, contributing pivotal support despite a lesser role. Ous and Reaver, emerging late in the conflict, participated in the war's concluding chapters, albeit with smaller roles compared to the other powers. The Smiwell Goblin tribes and Ellismeda, choosing neutrality, remained uninvolved, preserving their lands from the turmoil ravaging the rest of the Isles.


In the immediate aftermath, the destruction of Abraxas and Nentryl brought a fleeting but palpable sense of relief across the Crean Isles. The demise of these malevolent forces lifted the shroud of darkness that had loomed menacingly, allowing a fragile peace to settle upon the war-torn lands. Arium's collapse due to the relentless conflict left a void, marking the end of an era and ushering in a period of uncertain transition. While Naxion's resurrection offered a glimmer of hope and stability, the scars of battle marred several cities, including the severe damage inflicted upon once-great bastions like Nax Fort, Heavengate, and Valtara.


In the long term, the Crean Isles grappled with the enduring consequences of the Dark War's upheaval. Reconstruction efforts unfolded slowly, aiming to restore the decimated cities and fortifications, symbolizing resilience and renewal in the face of adversity. The political landscape underwent a transformative shift, paving the way for new alliances and power structures to emerge. Factions and nations, once divided by conflict, sought unity and reconciliation, striving to forge a collective path towards stability and prosperity. However, the scars of the war lingered, ingrained in the collective memory of the Isles' inhabitants. Societal healing and reconciliation efforts unfolded over generations, fostering a newfound commitment to peace and cooperation among the diverse nations. Tales of heroism and sacrifice from the Dark War became legends, inspiring future generations to safeguard the fragile tranquility achieved after the tumultuous conflict. Amidst the rebuilding and reconciliation, the Crean Isles embraced a newfound era of unity, determined to ensure that the shadows of the past never again cast their dark pall over their lands.

Historical Significance


The legacy of the Dark War transcended the scars of conflict, birthing a unity forged from the crucible of adversity. Nations across the Crean Isles, once divided by strife, found common ground in the aftermath, compelled by the horrors of war to seek solidarity and cooperation. The conflict's poignant lessons catalyzed newfound alliances and coalitions, binding together erstwhile adversaries in pursuit of peace and mutual prosperity. Shared endeavors in reconstruction and diplomacy heralded a new era of unity, fostering bonds that transcended historical enmities. This unity, a testament to resilience and shared resilience, became the cornerstone upon which the Isles' collective future was built. Moreover, the Dark War's profound impact on perceptions toward necromancy marked a subtle shift in the Isles' cultural fabric. New Arium and Reaver, influenced by their roles in the conflict, embraced a more nuanced acceptance of necromantic arts. While once taboo, these nations, touched by the Crimson Knights' journey and understanding the dual nature of such magic, sought to integrate necromancy responsibly into their societies, harnessing its potential for healing and preservation. Tales of the Crimson Knights, their valor, and sacrifices resonated far and wide, transcending borders and reaching distant continents like Anthraxia. Their saga became a symbol of bravery and unity, inspiring countless tales that echoed across the Isles and beyond, weaving the legacy of their heroism into the very fabric of history.

In Literature

The literature stemming from the Dark War burgeoned into a vast tapestry of tales and chronicles, chronicling the epic conflict that had reshaped the Crean Isles. Countless volumes were penned, detailing the tumultuous events, strategic clashes, and the heroic deeds of the Crimson Knights, their biographies becoming sought-after treasures in libraries and markets across the Isles. Amidst these narratives, the once-taboo subject of necromancy emerged as a focal point, inspiring the creation of spell scrolls and tomes delving into the intricacies of this arcane art. Scholars and scribes endeavored to document the nuances and ethical considerations surrounding necromancy, aiming to preserve knowledge while cautioning against its potential dangers. The literature of the Dark War thus became a tapestry of historical accounts, biographical tributes, and explorations into the mystic arts, serving as a testament to the resilience and transformative nature of the conflict.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
0 B.D.W.
Ending Date
10 A.D.W.
Conflict Result
The Crimson Knights won, and destroyed Nentryl, leading to peace in the Crean Isles and the disbandment of the Knights.



The military might of the Crimson Knights was a diverse amalgamation drawn from nations like Arium, Preton, Lisena, and later, Anteos. Their coalition united elemental forces, resilient warriors, and strategic minds under leaders such as Albion, Anfal, Lioloth, and Dreade. Arium's elemental prowess, Preton's tactical brilliance, Lisena's swamp expertise, and Anteos's fiery might coalesced to form a formidable force. This alliance brought together disparate nations with distinct strengths, creating a balanced and versatile military capable of navigating various terrains and engaging Nentryl's forces on multiple fronts.
Nentryl's military strength stemmed from dark sorcery, necromantic mastery, and an array of undead legions. Led by Abraxas, their hierarchy included Deathbringer, Aragus, Kahr, and Hiroh, each contributing to the malevolent force's arsenal. Their alliance wielded formidable dark magic and raised armies of the undead, casting a pervasive shadow across the Crean Isles.


The Crimson Knights suffered substantial casualties throughout the conflict, a testament to the intensity and ferocity of their engagements against Nentryl's malevolent forces. The toll of war weighed heavily on their ranks, claiming the lives of valiant soldiers, leaders, and elemental beings alike. The sacrifices made by the Crimson Knights underscored the harsh realities of combat, leaving scars upon the nations that contributed to this united front against the darkness.
The toll of casualties on Nentryl's forces was substantial, mirroring the ferocity and brutality of their confrontations with the Crimson Knights. The pursuit of dominance and unchecked power exacted a heavy toll, claiming the lives of many of their dark minions and leaders alike. The conflict between the malevolent forces of Nentryl and the united front of the Crimson Knights left deep scars upon both sides, painting a tragic narrative of sacrifice and loss amidst the tumultuous Dark War.


The Crimson Knights, driven by a unified goal, sought to thwart Nentryl's malevolent ambitions and preserve the peace of the Crean Isles. Their primary objective was to resist and ultimately defeat Abraxas's dark forces, uniting diverse nations under a singular banner to safeguard their lands from the encroaching darkness. With a commitment to restoring stability and vanquishing the looming threat, their mission revolved around liberation, protecting the realms from Nentryl's relentless conquest, and forging a future free from the taint of malevolence. Through strategic engagements and alliances, they aimed to dismantle Nentryl's power base, reclaim lost territories, and secure a lasting peace for the Isles.
Conversely, Nentryl, led by the malevolent Abraxas, harbored ambitions of dominion and subjugation. Their primary objective lay in the pursuit of unchecked power and the imposition of darkness across the Crean Isles. Intent on conquest and control, Nentryl sought to expand its influence, leveraging dark sorcery and necromantic mastery to assert dominance. Their goal was to obliterate opposition, bend nations to their will, and cast a shadow of eternal night over the once-free lands. With an insatiable hunger for supremacy, their objective was to crush resistance, spread darkness, and establish an unchallenged reign of malevolence across the Isles.

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Legend of the Elders

44 B.D.W. 0 B.D.W.

The beginning of the Dark War

  • 43 B.D.W.

    43 B.D.W.


    Battle of the Elders
    Military: Battle

    In the early throes of the Dark War, the pivotal Battle of the Elders unfolded as Arravan, the malevolent lich, sought the arcane power of the Statue of Legion to summon the dreaded Abraxas. Confronted by the combined forces of Dargath and the enigmatic Casmetra, the battlefield became a cauldron of magical clashes and undead legions. Despite the valiant resistance, Casmetra succumbed to Arravan's unholy might, leaving Dargath in a fierce duel against the overwhelming lich. In a tempest of magic and steel, Dargath's unyielding determination proved insufficient against Arravan's insidious power, resulting in his sacrifice and the ominous realization that the tides of darkness were on the inexorable rise, marking the ominous prelude to the approaching storm of the Dark War.

  • 43 B.D.W.

    43 B.D.W.


    Siege of Ghoulkeep
    Military: Battle

    In the grim aftermath of the Battle of the Elders, the malevolent dance of darkness persisted as Arravan, wielding the Statue of Legion, targeted the forsaken citadel Ghoulkeep—a bastion guarded by ancient demonic sentinels. Despite the citadel's malevolent history and its guardians' unwavering duty, Arravan, relentless in his pursuit, besieged Ghoulkeep with an aura of impending doom. The unholy clash unfolded in a symphony of dark sorceries and infernal onslaughts, with Ghoulkeep's defenses straining against the lich's assault. As Arravan breached the citadel's forbidden heart, invoking Abraxas with the Statue of Legion, a cruel twist of fate saw the malevolent entity turn on his summoner. Abraxas, materializing in the ghastly gloom, betrayed Arravan, marking the Siege of Ghoulkeep's conclusion with the lich's demise and setting forth the ominous era of darkness—the Dark War.

  • 43 B.D.W.

    1 B.D.W.

    1 December

    The Silence

    During the ominous interlude known as the Silence, a shroud of foreboding descended upon the Crean Isles, providing a malevolent canvas for Abraxas to meticulously weave the threads of his grand design for dominion. Born from the Siege of Ghoulkeep's unholy aftermath, Abraxas, the harbinger of shadows, retreated into the shadows to nurture his dark ambitions. This clandestine period, marked by an unsettling stillness, became the crucible where the sinister architect refined his machinations. Seizing the remnants of the dark artifacts discarded during the ghastly ritual, Abraxas harnessed the latent power within, cultivating an arcane force that would propel his impending resurgence. As the isles languished in the Silence, the ominous silhouette of the soon to be forged Armour of the Damned cast a lingering shadow, foretelling the imminent chaos that would ensue with the Battle of the Planes, where Abraxas's nefarious influence would rise anew, shattering the silence with the symphony of impending doom.

Bound to the Dark

0 B.D.W. 1 A.D.W.

Abraxas' Rise to Power

  • 1 A.D.W.

    1 A.D.W.


    Battle of the Planes
    Military: Battle

    In the mystical convergence of elemental planes, the Battle of the Planes unfolded, orchestrated by the malevolent Abraxas. With fiery intent, Abraxas sought four dark artifacts guarded by elemental lords, envisioning their fusion into the legendary Armour of the Damned. Initiating a relentless campaign, he conquered each elemental realm, claiming the artifacts and executing a dark ritual. Yet, an imperfection in the arcane tapestry left remnants of the artifacts, discarded by Abraxas into the abyss. Unbeknownst to him, these remnants held dormant darkness, awaiting discovery by those hungering for power in the tumultuous aftermath. The forging of the Armour of the Damned cast an ominous shadow over the Crean Isles, signaling a looming era of chaos in the unfolding saga of the Dark War.

  • 1 A.D.W.

    1 A.D.W.


    Release of the Necromancers
    Criminal Activity

    In a malevolent spectacle that heralded the escalating darkness of the Dark War, Abraxas orchestrated the Release of the Necromancers. Sealed in eternal prisons, the formidable quartet—Deathbringer, Aragus, Kahr, and Hiroh—were unleashed upon the unsuspecting realms. As the ancient incantations echoed through the desolate corridors of their confinement, the spectral chains binding them dissolved, and the necromantic generals emerged with newfound vigor. Embracing their newfound freedom, Deathbringer assumed his role as Abraxas's second in command, while seeds of jealousy took root in the heart of Aragus.

  • 1 A.D.W.

    1 A.D.W.


    First Battle of Terminus
    Military: Battle

    During the Dark War, the First Battle of Terminus unfolded as a pivotal chapter, marked by Abraxas's relentless pursuit of power and the empowering of the enigmatic Armor of the Damned. Prince Elliott of Arium, recognizing the impending threat, valiantly defended the city against the malevolent forces orchestrated by Abraxas. The dark lord, cunning and relentless, strategically dismantled protective barriers erected by elemental lords in different towns. Despite Elliott's heroic efforts, the overwhelming might of Abraxas led to a strategic retreat from Terminus. With the city subdued, Abraxas harnessed its energies to empower the mysterious armor, signaling the onset of the invasion of Nax Fort and casting a foreboding shadow over the Crean Isles.

  • 1 A.D.W.

    1 A.D.W.


    Fall of Nax Fort
    Military: War

    The harrowing clash known as the Fall of Nax Fort unfolded as a pivotal moment in Crean Isles history, casting a foreboding shadow over the destiny of nations. Naxion, the wise ruler of Arium, entrusted the throne to his heir, Prince Elliott, as the dark forces, led by Abraxas and his formidable disciples, descended upon Nax Fort. The Arium forces, valiant but outnumbered, faced the overwhelming might of the invaders. Naxion, a paragon of magical prowess, engaged in a fateful duel with Abraxas on the battlefield. The clash was a symphony of arcane power, but despite Naxion's formidable defenses, Abraxas emerged victorious, extinguishing the last flicker of resistance. Nax Fort fell to Nentryl, marking the tragic end of an era. In fulfilling a promise to his fallen father, Elliott established Heavengate as the new capital, a poignant decision echoing the somber echoes of the Fall of Nax Fort that forever altered the course of the Isles.

    Nax Fort

Lords of Winter

2 A.D.W. 3 A.D.W.

Preton's clash with Arium and Nentryl

  • 3 A.D.W.

    3 A.D.W.


    Liberation of Valtara
    Military: Battle

    In the icy embrace of winter, Valtara symbolized Preton's resilience amidst the chaos of the Dark War. King Elliott's capture of the strategic city sparked a rebellion led by Anfal and Balor, fuelled by a righteous fury at baseless accusations and familial bonds. Their alliance with Valtara's oppressed inhabitants paved the way for meticulous plans in their quest to liberate the city. The siege thundered to life with clashes against the city's walls, echoing Anfal's unyielding determination and Balor's unwavering commitment. Streets turned into battlegrounds as the liberators faced Elliott's forces, each stone witnessing their fight for freedom. Despite the crescendo leading to Valtara's liberation, the bitter revelation of Elliott's escape underscored the Knights' incomplete triumph. It signaled merely the beginning of their relentless pursuit of justice, fueling their resolve to seek retribution against Arium and challenge the dominance of Elliott across the Isles.

  • 3 A.D.W.

    3 A.D.W.


    Trade Centre Siege
    Military: Battle

    The Liberation of Valtara ignited the Lords' quest for vengeance, propelling them toward the Trade Centre, a pivotal battleground within Arium. Anfal and Balor, embodiments of Pretonian resilience, led their army to confront King Elliott. As they approached, Hiroh, the necromancer, unleashed dark forces, testing the Knights' resolve in a relentless clash. Though facing setbacks, they pressed forward, engaging in a tumultuous battle against necromantic might. Amidst the labyrinthine streets, Anfal confronted Elliott in a fierce duel, injuring the architect of their strife before his escape. Despite this, the Knights secured the Trade Centre, a symbolic triumph heralding the culmination of their winter campaign. This siege marked a turning point in the Dark War, positioning the Lords of Winter at a pivotal juncture, poised to face the challenges that loomed in the war's ensuing chapters.

    Trade Centre

Rise of a Necromancer

4 A.D.W. 4 A.D.W.

Elcant's fall and Arium's downfall

  • 4 A.D.W.

    4 A.D.W.


    Battle of the Horseshoe
    Military action

    Following the Trade Centre Siege's lingering echoes, the Dark War's narrative advanced into the "Rise of a Necromancer" chapter, notably marked by the Battle of the Horseshoe. Motivated by his bitter defeat, King Elliott of Arium sought vengeance and enlisted the enigmatic merchant Elcant to conquer Preton's capital, Valtara. Seizing the opportunity amidst Anfal's absence and Balor's engagement in Smiwell experiments, Elcant orchestrated a swift fall of Valtara, leaving it in Arium's grasp. Anfal's desperate attempt to protect his homeland resulted in his defeat by Elcant, who, unbeknownst to him, became a pawn in Abraxas's dark machinations. Learning of a mysterious sword, the Blackshard of the Dead Knight, hidden in Caena, Elcant embarked on a perilous quest. Unveiling a weakened version of Abraxas as its guardian, the battle for the Blackshard unfolded in the shadowy depths, with Elcant emerging victorious but unwittingly succumbing to the sword's insidious corruption. The Battle of the Horseshoe set the stage for Elcant's dark journey, the Blackshard becoming a malevolent force under Abraxas's patient manipulation, as the harrowing chapter unfolded in the Dark War.

  • 4 A.D.W.

    4 A.D.W.


    Conquest of the Dragon Isles
    Military action

    Following the Battle of the Horseshoe, a new chapter in the Dark War unfolded with King Elliott's relentless pursuit of power, relying once more on Elcant's shadowy prowess. Entrusted with three daunting tasks, Elcant set his sights on Balor in Smiwell, swiftly invading the fort and clashing with Balor in a deadly duel, ultimately eliminating Anfal's kin. Turning to Lisena, Elcant stormed the capital, Mossden, bringing the swamp nation under Elliott's grip despite Lioloth's narrow escape. His final mission took him to Ellismeda, where he faced Draconna, leader of the Crystal Dragons, in a fierce battle. Through cunning tactics, Elcant secured the allegiance of the dragons, returning triumphant to Elliott after eliminating Balor, weakening Lisena, and gaining the Crystal Dragons' support in the Conquest of the Dragon Isles. Elcant's dark undertakings marked a foreboding shift, casting shadows across the archipelago as a harbinger of the unfolding darkness in the war's imminent stages.

    The Dragon Isles
  • 4 A.D.W.

    4 A.D.W.


    Battle of Maniver
    Military action

    In the wake of the escalating shadows and ever-intertwining deceit, the Dark War took a dark turn with the Battle of Maniver. King Elliott, intent on severing the unholy alliance between Abraxas and the demonic forces of Anteos, entrusted Elcant with the critical mission to disrupt this malevolent pact. Elcant, despite ominous premonitions of transformation, ventured forth into Anteos, targeting Dreade, the fiery lord ruling over the demonic realm. However, Elcant faced an unexpected adversary in Kahr, engaging in a fierce duel and emerging victorious, compelling Kahr's retreat. Undeterred, Elcant besieged the town housing Dreade, prevailing against the fire demons and compelling Dreade's ultimate withdrawal. This victory led Elcant toward the heart of Maniver to confront Abraxas in a climactic showdown during the Battle of Maniver. Amidst the chaos, the corrupting influence of the Blackshard of the Dead Knight within Elcant surfaced fully, leading to his transformation into Elcan, Abraxas's willing apprentice. With the alliance shattered and Elcan now swayed by darkness, the duo plotted the annihilation of Arium, foreboding a bleak future for the Crean Isles—a pivotal moment marking an irrevocable plunge into an abyss of darkness.

  • 4 A.D.W.

    4 A.D.W.


    Battle of Heavengate
    Military: War

    In the chilling aftermath of betrayal and corruption, the Battle of Heavengate stood as a haunting testament to the encroaching darkness during the "Rise of a Necromancer" chapter. Arium's once-proud capital became the tragic stage for an inevitable clash between light and the advancing tide of Nentryl. Elcan, formerly a stalwart defender of Arium, now Abraxas' malevolent apprentice, led an undead legion towards Heavengate, signaling the kingdom's demise. King Elliott, burdened by the impending fall, faced his former ally turned adversary in a fateful duel within the besieged city. Despite valiant efforts, Elliott succumbed to Elcan's corrupted might. With Arium's last ruler fallen, the defenders met a tragic fate, succumbing to the relentless undead horde. Heavengate's fall marked not only the demise of a city but the ascent of Nentryl as the dominant force in the embattled Isles—an ominous precursor to an era cloaked in shadows.


Swamp Survivor

5 A.D.W. 5 A.D.W.

Lioloth's journey to restore Lisena.

  • 5 A.D.W.

    5 A.D.W.


    Battle of Mossden
    Military: Battle

    Following Elcant's ruthless invasion, Lioloth, the resilient ruler of Lisena, was forced to regroup after fleeing to the far side of Exlis. Determined to reclaim Mossden from the clutches of Abraxas's forces, he strategically established Camp Lio as an outpost, rallying loyalists to his cause. With eyes fixed on liberating Mossden from Kahr's corrupted hold, Lioloth ventured into Exlis, freeing the powerful druid Unthil, forming an alliance that proved pivotal. Despite the unexpected arrival of Aragus, meant to fortify Mossden, Lioloth's surprising victory against the dark sorcerer further bolstered his resolve. Their joint assault on Mossden, reinforced by Unthil's newfound power and the might of the lizardfolk ruler, overwhelmed Kahr's defenses, ultimately leading to the city's liberation. In the aftermath, Unthil hinted at an ancient, yet elusive, evil-slaying sword, foreshadowing a potential key in the ongoing struggle against Abraxas and paving the way for a future rebellion to reclaim their lands and restore balance to the Isles.


Birth of the Rebellion

6 A.D.W. 6 A.D.W.

The beginning of the rebellion and Unthil's journey to freedom

  • 6 A.D.W.

    6 A.D.W.


    Assault of the Hero
    Military: Skirmish

    In the tumultuous era known as the "Birth of the Rebellion," Unthil, the liberated druid, emerged as a resolute figure leading the resistance against Nentryl's oppressive rule. His movement gained momentum when he uncovered Albion, a mysterious and powerful figure imprisoned due to fears of his untapped abilities. Determined to harness Albion's might for their cause, Unthil orchestrated a daring plan to liberate him from Aragus's guarded prison. The Assault of the Hero unfolded as rebels, led by Unthil, clashed with Aragus's forces. Despite the initial struggle against Aragus's dark magic, Unthil's strategic prowess eventually turned the tide, compelling Aragus into a tactical retreat. With Albion's liberation, a significant ally joined the rebellion, symbolizing hope and unity against Nentryl's tyranny, signaling a turning point in the resistance's struggle for freedom in the Crean Isles.

  • 6 A.D.W.

    6 A.D.W.


    Two Sieges of Starstrike
    Military: Battle

    In the aftermath of the Assault of the Hero, the rebellion, guided by Unthil and Albion, established New Arium from the spirit of defiance against Nentryl. As the nascent nation took form, Aragus, intent on proving his loyalty to Abraxas, besieged the city of Starstrike. Caught off guard, Unthil faced Aragus in a tragic clash, leading to the druid's fall and the city's capture. Albion, driven by vengeance, rallied his forces to reclaim Starstrike. The second siege witnessed Albion's fierce pursuit of retribution, culminating in a relentless battle against Aragus. Despite the odds, Albion emerged triumphant, liberating Starstrike and avenging Unthil's demise. The rebellion mourned Unthil's sacrifice and discovered a promising lead—the scattered pieces of the Angelic Alliance, a potential game-changer in their ongoing struggle against the encroaching darkness. The Two Sieges of Starstrike epitomized a pivotal moment in the rebellion's narrative against the forces seeking dominion over the embattled Crean Isles.


World of the Damned

7 A.D.W. 7 A.D.W.

Albion's quest to defeat Elcan

  • 7 A.D.W.

    7 A.D.W.


    The Prison Releases

    In the chilling narrative of the "World of the Damned," Albion, wielding the formidable Angelic Alliance, embarked on a quest to liberate imprisoned figures crucial to the rebellion against the encroaching darkness. Forming the Crimson Knights alongside freed rulers like Anfal, Lioloth, and Dreade, Albion's quests involved intense battles against formidable guardians, like Kahr and Deathbringer, to free these influential captives. Each victory bolstered their alliance, arming them with powerful figures and artifacts. Yet, their ultimate target, Elcan, remained obscured as the mastermind orchestrating events from the shadows. The Prison Releases marked a pivotal moment as the united Crimson Knights readied themselves to confront the true source of malevolence threatening the Crean Isles, unaware of the hidden adversary manipulating their path toward an uncertain future.

  • 7 A.D.W.

    7 A.D.W.


    Elcan's Clash
    Military: Battle

    In the ominous landscape of the "World of the Damned," the Crimson Knights, a unified force led by Anfal, Lioloth, Dreade, and Albion, initiated a decisive assault on Elcan's fortress. Strategically orchestrating their attack, Anfal and Lioloth engaged the necromancer's forces while Albion, wielding the radiant power of the Angelic Alliance, confronted the corrupted Elcan. Amidst a tumultuous clash, the battlefield echoed with the fierce struggle between good and evil, embodied by Albion's divine artifact and Elcan's corrupted Blackshard. In a pivotal moment, Albion's valorous determination shattered the dark influence, liberating Elcan from the grip of malevolence. Witnessing Elcant's remorse and seeking redemption, Albion welcomed him into the Crimson Knights, forging an unexpected alliance against the true manipulator, Abraxas. With Elcant's revelation of the scattered fragments of the Armour of the Damned, the Knights set their sights on amassing this powerful artifact, signaling the dawn of a new chapter in their quest to thwart Abraxas and bring hope to the embattled World of the Damned.

  • 7 A.D.W.

    7 A.D.W.


    The Forging

    In the wake of the Clash at Elcan's fortress, the Crimson Knights, fortified by the redeemed Elcant, embarked on a crucial mission to gather the scattered remnants of the Armour of the Damned. Their journey led them to a battleground teeming with undead guardians protecting these potent fragments. Through a strategic and fierce confrontation, the Knights, led by Albion and supported by Anfal, Lioloth, Dreade, and the newly allied Elcant, vanquished the undead forces. Standing before the ominous pieces of the relic, the Knights, guided by Unthil's ancient wisdom, meticulously assembled the fractured fragments, combining their strengths to forge a second Armour of the Damned. Electing Elcant as its bearer due to his experience and newfound alliance with the Knights, they entrusted him with this formidable artifact. As Elcant donned the dark armor, a surge of power transformed him into a force of good, symbolizing their collective defiance against the darkness that plagued the Crean Isles. This moment marked the conclusion of the "World of the Damned," setting the stage for the Knights' ongoing efforts to counter the malevolent grip that encroached upon their realm.

The Black Knight

8 A.D.W. 8 A.D.W.

Tarthas' path to redemption

  • 8 A.D.W.

    8 A.D.W.


    Formation of Reaver

    In the aftermath of Deathbringer's perceived failure, Abraxas exiled the once-loyal necromancer to the desolate island of Litchmeuse, a realm tainted by arcane echoes and animosity from its native inhabitants, the Ousan. Facing relentless hostility and unexpected encounters, Deathbringer found himself in a clash with his former rival, Aragus, who sought to settle past scores. Surprisingly, Deathbringer triumphed over Aragus, revealing his strength and newfound independence. Embracing this liberty, Deathbringer established the nation of Reaver on Litchmeuse, intending to build a realm free from Abraxas' influence. The founding of Blightrein as its capital marked a turning point in "The Black Knight," as Deathbringer, once a mere pawn, now emerged as a pivotal player in the complex narrative of the Dark War, poised to carve his destiny in the ever-evolving tapestry of conflict.

  • 8 A.D.W.

    8 A.D.W.


    Battle of Litchmeuse
    Military: Battle

    The clash between Reaver and Ous on the desolate island of Litchmeuse marked a defining chapter in the Dark War. Deathbringer, having established Reaver, found himself in a war with Morpheus, ruler of Ous, incited by the audacity of a necromancer's newfound nation. Morpheus's aggression led to Rathyan's deployment against Deathbringer, resulting in a fierce confrontation where Deathbringer emerged victorious. Driven by vengeance, Deathbringer set his sights on Noxis, Ous's capital, initiating a siege that culminated in a fateful duel with Morpheus. Despite Deathbringer's initial advantage, Morpheus, revealing an unexpected strength, turned the tide, capturing Deathbringer and putting Reaver in a dire need of help. This battle highlighted the potency of the key players in the Dark War and the formidable challenges faced by those who dared to challenge their power.


End of Darkness

9 A.D.W. 10 A.D.W.

The final battles and conclusion of the War.

  • 9 A.D.W.

    9 A.D.W.


    Clash of Snow
    Military: Battle

    As the Dark War intensified, the Crimson Knights strategically targeted Abraxas's top generals, Hiroh and Kahr, aiming to weaken Nentryl's formidable might before confronting the malevolent orchestrator himself. The Clash of Snow, focusing on Hiroh, brought the Pretonian army led by Anfal against the necromancer's undead forces. The battlefield, draped in snow, witnessed a clash of skill and strategy, with Anfal's disciplined forces prevailing against Hiroh's minions. Inside the fortress, Anfal engaged Hiroh in a fierce duel, the culmination of their long-standing rivalry. Though Hiroh initially displayed moments of dominance, Anfal's tactical brilliance and combat prowess turned the tide. Anfal's strategic maneuvers allowed him to deal a decisive blow, ending Hiroh's life and silencing the bitterness that fueled the necromancer's ambitions. The Clash of Snow marked a significant triumph for the Crimson Knights, signaling their unwavering determination to weaken Nentryl's forces and ultimately bring an end to the dark reign looming over the Crean Isles.

  • 9 A.D.W.

    9 A.D.W.


    Battle of the Swamps
    Military: Battle

    Following Anfal's triumph over Hiroh, Lioloth, driven by a fervent desire to eliminate his arch-nemesis Kahr, led the Lisenian army into the murky swamps of Nentryl. Kahr's stronghold, a symbol of his intent to eradicate the lizardpeople, became the focus of the relentless Lisenian assault. Guided by Lioloth's strategic command, the Lisenian forces clashed with the undead legions, echoing the swamps with the clash of swords and arcane energies. As the Lisenians gained ground, Lioloth faced Kahr in a one-on-one duel amid the chaos of war. The swamps reverberated with the duel's intensity, showcasing Lioloth's determination and martial prowess. Despite Kahr's dark skills, Lioloth's resolve overwhelmed the vampire, culminating in a decisive blow that mortally wounded Kahr. In his final moments, Kahr revealed his allegiance to Abraxas, acknowledging Lioloth's victory before meeting his end. The Battle of the Swamps ended with the Lisenians triumphing over the undead forces, marking a significant step toward the ultimate confrontation with Abraxas and the resolution of the Dark War looming over the Crean Isles.

  • 9 A.D.W.

    9 A.D.W.


    Siege of Noxis
    Military: Battle

    In their quest to uncover the elusive city of Terminus and empower the Angelic Alliance, Albion, leader of the Crimson Knights, sought crucial information held by Deathbringer, imprisoned by Morpheus on Litchmeuse in Ous. Determined to liberate Deathbringer, Albion led his forces, joined by the armies of Reaver, onto the treacherous island. Amidst the perilous journey, Albion faced Aragus, a servant of Nentryl, engaging in a fierce duel that ended with Albion vanquishing the malevolent necromancer. Advancing to Noxis, the capital of Ous, the Siege unfolded, leading Albion to confront Morpheus in a decisive battle. Empowered by the Angelic Alliance, Albion defeated Morpheus, who, in an unexpected turn, revealed a tragic past. Albion extended an offer of redemption to Morpheus, and the former adversaries reconciled, with Morpheus joining the Crimson Knights. With Deathbringer freed and pledging allegiance, the Knights stood united, prepared to confront the looming threat of Abraxas, signaling a momentous shift in alliances and a unified front against the darkness that gripped the Crean Isles.

  • 9 A.D.W.

    9 A.D.W.


    Liberation of Nax Fort
    Military: Battle

    In their quest to fortify their forces against Abraxas, the Crimson Knights, led by Anfal and Lioloth, embarked on a mission to obtain the fabled Elixir of Life, rumored to have the power of resurrection. Their confrontations with Terror, a lesser general in Abraxas's army, saw the Knights emerge victorious, securing the coveted artifact. This success spurred them toward reclaiming Nax Fort, once a revered elemental stronghold now marred by Nentryl's darkness. The arduous battle to liberate the fortress culminated in a hard-won victory, symbolizing not only a strategic gain but also the restoration of a sacred bastion. Using the Elixir of Life, Anfal and Lioloth resurrected Naxion, the fallen leader whose return breathed renewed hope and strength into the Crimson Knights' cause. With Naxion's resurgence and his immediate alignment with the Knights, they prepared for their next crucial step: an invasion of Terminus, the elusive city holding the key to countering Abraxas. Unified, strengthened by recent triumphs and the return of their revered leader, the Crimson Knights stood ready for the impending conflict that would determine the destiny of the Isles.

    Nax Fort
  • 9 A.D.W.

    9 A.D.W.


    Second Battle of Terminus
    Military: Battle

    In the wake of the Liberation of Nax Fort, the Crimson Knights, unwavering in their resolve to combat Abraxas's malevolent grip, devised a strategic split. Albion, Morpheus, Deathbringer, and Dreade spearheaded the reoccupation of Terminus, an ancient stronghold of darkness now targeted for reclamation. With Terminus revealed by Deathbringer's knowledge, the quartet launched a formidable siege. This Second Battle of Terminus mirrored the intensity of past clashes but with a decisive shift, as the forces of good, embodied by the Crimson Knights, battled valiantly to seize control from Nentryl's hold. Mendelban, tasked with defending the fortress, proved no match for the united might of Albion, Deathbringer, Morpheus, and Dreade, as Terminus resounded with the clash between dark and light forces. The victory was swift and resounding; the Crimson Knights triumphed, reclaiming Terminus and empowering the Angelic Alliance within its walls. With this success, the Knights, now unified and bolstered, readied themselves for the pinnacle of their campaign — the invasion of Antaria, the core of Nentryl's dark dominion. The path they had tread had led them to the precipice of the ultimate showdown with Abraxas, marking a pivotal moment in the End of Darkness.

  • 10 A.D.W.

    10 A.D.W.


    Battle of the Dark Wastes
    Military: Battle

    In the climactic phase of the "End of Darkness," the Crimson Knights, a formidable coalition led by Albion, Anfal, Lioloth, Dreade, Elcant, Deathbringer, Morpheus, and Naxion, united their strengths to cleanse the desolate Dark Wastes, home to Nentryl's main undead army. Recognizing the strategic importance of neutralizing this stronghold, the Knights launched an unprecedented assault, battling their way through legions of undead. Abraxas, sensing the imminent threat, sent out the bulk of his forces, led by Enigma, the most potent of his lesser generals. However, the Knights, tactically positioned and united in their attack from all directions, orchestrated a coordinated assault that overwhelmed Nentryl's army. The combined might of eight nations, operating in perfect harmony, encircled and dismantled the once-formidable headquarters. Enigma, the last line of defense, faced the collective might of the Knights and ultimately succumbed to their united strength. This monumental victory in the Battle of the Dark Wastes marked the triumphant occupation of Nentryl's main army headquarters, setting the stage for the final confrontation with Abraxas, signifying a pivotal moment in the dramatic climax of the End of Darkness.

    The Dark Wastes
  • 10 A.D.W.

    10 A.D.W.


    Battle of Antaria
    Military: Battle

    In the climactic final chapter of the Dark War, the Crean Isles braced for a decisive confrontation as the Crimson Knights, a powerful coalition of nations, converged upon the capital of Nentryl—Antaria. A convergence of elemental forces and a clash of good versus evil unfolded in the Battle of Antaria. The sky crackled with interwoven elemental energies, reflecting the monumental clash below. The combined forces of the Crimson Knights, drawn from diverse nations and led by Albion, faced the chaotic might of Nentryl's army. Amidst the chaos, the ultimate showdown transpired as the Knights confronted the malevolent Abraxas. The dark lord's overwhelming power tested the Knights' unity, yet their determination prevailed. Albion's strategic acumen led to a decisive blow that brought about Abraxas's fall, dispelling the malevolence that had plagued the Isles. With victory secured, the Crimson Knights celebrated, marking the end of the Dark War and heralding a new era of rebuilding for the Crean Isles as the coalition disbanded, each nation poised to begin anew.



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