
Purpose / Function

Chopper’s is not a biker bar, despite the name. No, the name alludes to the fact that this bar used to be a local butcher’s shop, up until there just wasn’t any more meat to sell.


Norm put the old chill-cases to good use by keeping booze cold in them. Customers sit on high stools up against the chill-cases, and Norman and his staff pour out the shots and slide them over, making it a decent drink pit.


Made of white brick and concrete, cracked and long stained an ashy gray. A large metal sign plastered to the front of the shop denotes it as Chopper's, colored in neon rainbow with glowpaint, spraled in a stylized splatter.


Norm has the Furcoats on call if need be, otherwise relying on the skill of himself and his street hardened employees.


Customers also come to Chopper’s because Norman’s nephew, 80/20, runs a Fixer business out of the now-defunct walk-in freezer in the back. 80/20 got his nickname by what he’s willing to do to people who try to fuck him over, because unlike the walk-in, the meatgrinder still works. Enterprising Techs or Medtechs also come to Chopper’s for pre owned cyberware. You just gotta clean it and fix it back up. Currently in stock: Amplified Hearing, Neural Link, Multi-Arm Harness.
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