Night City Animal Shelter

Purpose / Function

The Night City Animal Shelter is a former animal shelter, which in recent years has been revamped as a hideout for the Technicolor Furcoats.


The place has been smattered with shining rainbow paints on the walls and ceilings. Wires hang in the air and off walkways, dangling dim and colorful lights. The front desk is used for security, the office is, well, the office, the pen is a storage space, and the kennels have become rooms housing many of the gang members, extended and customized to their liking while keeping their....naturalistic appeal.


The building is largely constructed of faded blue brick, painted over in many spots. Large rusted fencing squares off the property, and many of the windows remain boarded up. Decorative paintings of rainbow colors and a community mural decorate it's walls and doors.


A barbed wire fence, a couple turrets. heavy stone walls, metal doors, boarded windows, slits for gunfire, alarms, and cameras.
Alternative Names
Night City Animal Shelter
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization
Characters in Location