Anoomenon Halcotte Island

A little way downstream of the City Reach, the river Perque divides into two major branches to the west and east. Near the beginning of the western branch there is a small island known as Halcotte Island. Halcotte Island is the site of the Great Music Chamber of the Grey Kings, an accoustically perfect space which was a cultural icon during the Long Northern Peace. These days it is often threatened with falling into ruin, but it has been maintained by a small and dedicated group of supporters who also host their own much less ambitious concerts from time to time.   The Cultural Quarter is situated on the larger land mass between the west and east river branches. In the image at the head of the article we look past Halcotte Island (on the right) and over to the far bank where we see the Anoomenon State Theatre building, constructed in the reign of King Prakadon Zold. The first production was staged here in 2400 AF, but it would become more famous as the location where all of Taldyne Zinthrano's plays opened over a hundred and fifty years later.  
Anoomenon State Theatre by DMFW with Midjourney
Location under

Cover image: Anoomenon - Halcotte Island by DMFW with Night Cafe & Stable Diffusion


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