Solar Ovens of the Grey Kings

The Slipforge district of Anoomenon was once the site of the famous Solar Ovens of the Grey Kings, during the Golden Age of Anoomenon. These fusion foundaries were much larger scale versions of the relatively simple fusion taps that had given Anoomenon the name of the Shining City, when they were rediscovered as long ago as the late Foundation Age in 1050 AF.
  The illustration shows two of the Solar Ovens operating at peak throughput when Anoomenon dominated world politics, but by the time of the Pax Helsporan the last of them had been decomissioned and all that remains now are the ruins.

Purpose / Function

Each of the great forges was capable of delivering immense quantities of controlled energy which was put to industrial use in the manufacturing of vehicles, buildings and weapons. Their effectively unlimited power and energy contributed to the rapidly rising influence of the Grey Kings in their time (and hence their name) although they existed before and after the era of the Grey Kings.


In 1050 AF, during the Foundation Age, Anoomenon acquired the name of the Shining City when a limited and specialist form of fusion tap technology from before the Great Forgetting was rediscovered and implemented there.   For many years thereafter, however, the fusion taps remained little more than a curiosity, impressive and convenient for lighting but otherwise isolated in integrated damping fields that reflected useful heat back to the source. The science behind the taps was not properly understood and the engineering was only able to be replicated by following tightly constrained and largely rote processes which reused ancient components that could no longer be manufactured.   Early work on the theory required to construct larger and more open portals began only at the end of the 21st Century. It was set back by the Great Puncture Disaster of 2112 AF, caused by ill advised and unsafe experimentation that nearly halted the whole project.   At last, however, in the 22nd Century, towards the end of the age of The Trade Wars, Anoomenon scientist sorcerers finally perfected the technology to create great Solar Ovens, bleeding energy directly from the heart of the sun. The first of them was built in 2144 AF, before the Long Northern Peace had truly begun, but in later days they were forever associated with the Golden Age of Anoomenon which followed and the Grey Kings who had exclusive authority over their operations.   Altogether, the Solar Ovens operated for more than seven hundred years. Ultimately, however, with the long term weakening of Earth as the population declined, there was less and less need for the engineering projects the foundaries served.   The last Solar Oven was decomissioned during the age of the Role Disputes in 2855 AF, after the construction of the new space elevator at Helsporan had been completed. Now all that remains are the great skeletal frames, burnished with old sunfire and open to the Anoomenon sky.
Founding Date
Parent Location

Cover image: Amoomenon - Solar Ovens of the Grey Kings by DMFW with Midjourney


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