
Julkai is an ancient and modern language spoken in the south of the continent of Punjuki on Magicians' End. Uniquely amongst modern languages it does not descend from Dry Cursive, but is an earlier offshoot of Wet Cursive. The name of the continent of Punjuki originates in the Julkai language.   Scholars of the language divide it into four variants by age, proto Julkai, ancient Julkai, old Julkai and modern Julkai. It is thought that proto Julkai may have come to Punjuki even earlier than the versions of Dry Cursive that would later evolve into Equinu. By the time the Empire of Bradulkut completed its conquest of Punjuki in 9364 BPC, Equinu had become the dominant language in the north of the continent and it appears that speakers of proto Julkai had been pushed, fled or otherwise migrated into the south.   Ancient Julkai was spoken in the southern towns and countryside of Punjuki from the time of the Sundering until the Planar Conformation, evolving slowly into the form called Old Julkai during the years of the Flame Kingdoms and the Water Kingdoms.   In the second half of the first millenium APC, Sea Speak spread around the coasts, taking over as the main language of Vigilmell, Millbeach and Saltmoat. Still later, Equinu became the language of the important city of Highloft so that Julkai usage declined over the centuries, retreating in the face of its more successful rivals.   Julkai has a strong tradition of oral story telling and singing. The teller in the illustration at the head of the article is at a typical event of the kind which can still be found in the communities of southern Punjuki.

Geographical Distribution

Modern Julkai, which is usually considered to date from the start of the Age of Shadows is now confined to the lands south of Stalport and even there, it has been diluted by the presence of many Equinu speakers, so that the purest forms of the language can only be found on Pun Island, in Weryth and in the coutryside south of Thanning.
Root Languages

Cover image: Magicians' End - Julkai by DMFW with Midjourney


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