
Beaneese is a language which developed on Tinturbean in the years following the Planar Conformation. It descended from the local dialects of Empyrian, with which it is most closely related, but it also borrows extensively from Westoric.   Beaneese evolved rapidly on Tinturbean when ocean links to Myruthea were not possible in the immediate aftermath of the Planar Conformation and by the time they were restored in the age of the Water Kingdoms it was quite different to its parent languages.   Although the language has to a large extent been supplanted by Ossanifrean in the south of the continent and Alchix now has a foothold in Greystow, Beaneese remains the predominant tongue for the majority of the inhabitants of Tinturbean, particularly in Quarowl and the north where it is most commonly spoken in settlements that belong to the Congress of Concerned Citizens.

Geographical Distribution

Beaneese achieved widespread acceptance on the continent of Tinturbean, almost to the exclusion of other local languages, spreading and evolving rapidly in the ages of the Breach Wars and the Flame Kingdoms, but it has never penetrated further into the world.
Root Languages
Successor Languages

Cover image: Magicians' End - Beaneese by DMFW with Midjourney

This language has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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