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Probe Thoughts: Lucia the Harvester Devil

Lucia the Harvester Devil

  1. Where are the books?
--the library the beholder was in
2. Where are the dragons sons?
--See two wyrmlings seeing into a iron maiden cage made out of bones and sinew in a scorched location where fireballs are constantly erupting. Also see other cages with their own people in them. The dragons are also extremely wounded
3. How did you meet Phaedra?
--see the same tavern in Skullport that *we* met Phaedra at. Phaedra purchased a map with marked locations of crashed flying citadels
4. What do you know about the Shade Council ?
--See a dossier of the varying members of the council. Brezhul, Umbra (Chosen of Shar), Hannibal (Military Attaché), Shandara (Diviner), Orbin (Master of Assassins), Naenia [Lich] (Master of Undead)
5. Where can we find each of these people?
--didn't write down
6. Where do these people meet?
--boardroom inside The City of Shade
7. What is the goal of the Shadow council?
--They want to raise another flying citadel
8. In what way is the The Tear of Helm useful to this goal?
--Entirely unsure
9. What is your relationship with the Beholder?
--See a vision of the room the beholder was in. Has 2 alcoves. 1 is reserved for the beholder’s business. The other is a gate. Between the two is a sunken area with a lot of books. There is a staircase leading up to a third door. Flanking either side of the staircase is a precipice (2 total) that has a ballista mounted upon that is peeking out of a murder hole. The beholder was hired as a bookkeep for the Shadow Council.
10. What is her greatest weakness?
--Her Higher-Up
11. Who is your boss?
--Image of a devil scribing at her desk.
12. Where can we find Brezhul?
--See an image of a ruined city inside of a forest. Erebus thinks it's the city of Myth Drannor
13. Tell me about Jett
--Can steal magical abilities. Is a bit of an alcoholic (was the reason he was denied a promotion in the shadow council)

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