Neiandithal (nae-and-ith-allz)

These primitve humanoids were the ancestor of a great many species, including Aurises, Nymphs, Humans, Elves, Giants, and Goliaths. These creatures' first signs of civilization are around the time of the collapse of the Goblin civilization (5000). They began their single-millenia dominance with nothing particularly exciting. Purrs allied closely with them and taught them agriculture and blacksmithing.    These people were similar to Earth's Neanderthals, however, they had a much greater intelligence (80 iq), and a little less strength than the average neanderthal.    There were several religions, most of them polytheist and with strange rituals, even often killing children or infants in sacrifices. A notable similarity between most of them is a god of brutality, for reasons covered in the next paragraph.   Their cultures were wide and diverse, but most of them tended to value mercy very little and brutality very much. Savagery was to them as generosity is to the modern Humans. This made a tough culture where only the toughest, smartest, and most agile would survive. This eventually led to their predecessor races arising.    They also had various wars against the Goblins, fighting and crushing the surviving civilized Goblins, and eventually forcing them into tribalistic caravan raiders for the next few centuries.

Basic Information


The large, bulky humanoid itself had a lot of hair, a lot of energy, and a low lifespan.

Biological Traits

Increased aggresitivity, excessive hair

Genetics and Reproduction

These creatures likely reproduced the same as humans, however, it is impossible to know for sure.

Growth Rate & Stages

Growth rate and stages were impossible to recover, but there were children and infants.

Ecology and Habitats

They lived anywhere you could find a human in, Although they tended to stick away from the cave tribe lifestyle.

Dietary Needs and Habits

These creatures relied on agriculture, but meat was also often eaten as a substitute in times of desperation.

Biological Cycle

Same as a human, supposedly, although it is impossible to know for sure.


A little bit more aggressive than the average human, but other than that, it behaves the same as a human with 80 iq in a society with humans with 80 iq.

Additional Information

Social Structure

A normal, humanlike sturcture, from the records found. chieftains were the norm.

Facial characteristics

Human faces, but often less cared for and less taken care of.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They were everywhere that humans are today.

Average Intelligence

around 80 IQ, estimated. This is estimated by it's relative technological development compared to humans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Due to their lack of intellect, they were never able to develop magic. Thus, they relied on the basic human senses, and a small gland in their cheeks that could also detect infrared light, but relatively weak.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

None in particular, varied from culture to culture.

Beauty Ideals

Stronger people, both men and female, were the most attractive, as the leaders of the nations never had beautiful wives, but strong wives.

Gender Ideals

the normal ideals.

Courtship Ideals

A leader could take several women, whilst a weak, farmer, could be left childless. This led to some obvious class rivarly.

Relationship Ideals

females had to be completely subservient to the males. If a man asked his wife to kill herself, she had to obey. This created a terrible environment for the females in this species.

Average Technological Level

They managed to get to bronzeworking before the evolution to the other races.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

None are really spoken anymore, but the languages on the records vary wildly, so it is hard to decipher and classify.


Not too much is known about Neiandithal society, but there is a fair amount of information. There were three notable kingdoms: The East, the West, and the North. The east was in the southern area of the eastern continent, the northern in the northern portion of the eastern, and the western portion in the west. These kingdoms had common wars, one of the more significant being under king Choklofatton of the East Kingdom.    These creatures died off soon after this war, though, so the aftermath was devastating.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Allies with the purrs and were commonly enemies of the Goblins.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Neiandithalus
Originating likely from Deloe or Nento
Average Height
typically around 6'6", but can vary widely.
Average Weight
150 LBS. These humanoids were particularly skinny.
Average Physique
bulkier than the average human, and the strongest Neiandithal was stronger than the strongest human, by a fair margin.