Nymphs (Ni-imfs)

The Nymphs were a people descended from the Neiandithals. These grey skinned people live in the caves, and only in the caves, with very few exceptions. They are fairly aggressive, usually female, and attractive, typically.

Basic Information


These humanoids are completely human in anatomy, nothing different in physical design.

Biological Traits

These creatures show increased aggresitivity, increased lust, and the most prominent feature being that they are grey-skinned with neon orange and green patches of skin dotted throughout their skin. These pigmentations are a genetic feature evolved due to their existence in caves, so they were more easily spotted by each other.   This also alludes to the major preference of childbirths to be female. It is a rare experience to find a male in a Nymph tribe, and when there is, he screws every woman in the tribe, including the his mother and sisters, sometimes even daughters if he lives that long.

Genetics and Reproduction

These creatures mate in the same way that humans mate, however, due to the strenuous requirements, males usually have abnormally large reproductive organs. However, the largest organ of the Nymphs hasn't ever beaten the largest human's.

Growth Rate & Stages

A Nymph has the same life cycle as a human, growth from an infant to a child to a teen and finally to an adult. a child usually has significantly more aggression than an adult.

Ecology and Habitats

Nymphs only live in caves, with extremely rare exceptions. They sometimes hunt around the various caves for bats and large moles (Which are more common than you'd expect). However, there are multiple instances of Nymphs becoming lovers of humans (Only examples were female Nymphs falling for male Humans), where they integrated into Human culture with minimal pressure.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They usually hunt, however, there are many examples of them farming mushrooms. Their diet consists mainly of large moles (a lot more than you'd expect), particularly chunky bats, and mushrooms foraged up.

Biological Cycle

Same as humans, although they typically die earlier.


These mainly female creatures are highly lustful, often seducing miners and explorers when there aren't any men in the tribe. When there are, a pecking order forms, with the first in the order getting the most 'intimacy' and the last ones getting the least amount. However, they are also sometimes aggressive towards humans (Usually female Humans), which they typically end up eating after they are killed (Gruesome, yes, but normal for a cave dwelling species).

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They are typically attractive, but can vary strongly.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Anywhere where there are caves there are Nymphs, but they are disproportionately in the West and not in the East.

Average Intelligence

~85 average iq, but often seem smarter than they actually are.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They use the normal hearing, sight, scent, taste, and touch to feel. Their sight is significantly worse than other species, but the human 'glasses' can cure this problem.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The only well documented organization was in the 8,000s when a large group of Nymphs (known as the Last Kindom, or Choladan, in their language), rose to power. It was the last bit of civilized Nymph society, and some tribes consider themselves the successor to them, although none have been able to reestablish agriculture on a large scale. 

Gender Ideals

Men are almost always the rulers of their tribes, in the few cases that there is a male. They treat the women as their harem, but the harem also hunts with the men. The women submit to the men, but are still independent, as they have to be.

Average Technological Level

Their best technological level was a pre-bronze age agrarian society, but that declined into tribalism.

Common Taboos

chastity is often seen as a sin, and homosexuality is often seen as a cause to execute a tribe member.


These creatures descended from Neiandithals after the Descendance, alongside their Human, Elven, Gigantic, and Auris siblings. They descended into the caves early, before the other races. They managed to develop a fairly civilized society with high value on lust, but with declining male birth rates, they had to resort to more savage, primitve methods to reproduce. In the end of the Nymph civilization, any Nymph woman that wasn't breeding with a human partner was one of twenty wives of a single Nymph man.    After this happened, their population slowly eroded due to inbreeding, then fell to savagery and lust. The only survivors were the most resistant to inbreeding and the most attractive to the men. Others, however, left the caves and integrated into Human society (Aurises and Elves being racist, and Giants unable to reproduce with them due to their large size).

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

These creatures' only known relations are with humans, who are occasionally either killed or seduced by these humanoids. However, there are many known examples of Nymphs going to live on the surface with a human man.  There are limited reports of Nymphs and Elves being somewhat kind to each other, however, this kindness doesn't extend to Relic Elves. One, when asked, called the Relic Elves "scum of the highrocks", likely referring to the mountains that they live in.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Nympha
Average Height
these Humanoids are smaller creatures, usually ~5'0" or shorter.
Average Weight
When a Nymph exceeds 125 pounds, hell has frozen over.
Average Physique
The are skinny, sexy bodies.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin is grey colored with neon orange and green patches, however sometimes can have neon pink or light blue.