City Guard

Kingdom of Minas Galebre has a guard system in that the City guard are controlled by the King, and used as a reserve guard or national guard.  They are not under the rule of the Armed forces.  But are their own organization.  The generals and admirals of the Armies treat them like second hand soldiers openly.  This trickles down from the top to the bottom. Each city has a guard and it can be divided into several different agencies.  Each Gate and defense are treated like separate units, working together under one leader, who is the Guard General.  These sub-units are ran by captains, the sub-units have a particular job that some times overlaps onto the other units.  This causes a lot of Chaos.     King Melchior the Lion has tried to rebuild the City guard back to its once greatness.  But years of war in the south, and the misuse of the guard as cannon fodder, has depleted the ranks down to the lowest of the low.  Criminals and army rejects fill the ranks, outside political parties have taken over many of the subunits.  This has cause a huge separation in the ranks and organization.  His father King Geraint the Hawk felt that the guards were just that, guards.  Not good enough for the army, and a last ditch defense against total destruction.  The Hawk, was a chaotic figure, but a conquering king.
Military Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Subsidiary Organizations
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