Old Guard of Royal Port

This is one of the oldest city guard organizations for the Royal port.  This once was the largest of the gate guard organizations, but many of the guards assigned here were sent to the war in the south.  So now many are poorly trained and new recruits.   The old guard uniforms are red and white.  This is different from the Main gate or even the normal city guard. The once proud unit is having now been reduced to a group of raw recruits, who act more like criminals than city guards.  The group was religious neutral for pollical reasons and location.  It now has fallen to the closest temple, Church of Shune .  There are rumors that they take bribes and have been extorting gold from other religious groups.  These are only rumors, and the inspector general and his people have not found any truth to this. Some say that is due to the fact that He is taking bribes!

Peace and Order

Founding Date
Military, Paramilitary/Militia
Alternative Names
Old Ghouls
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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