Water Elf

Also called sea elves, they are akin to mermen as land elves are to men. Found almost exclusively among heavy weed beds in quiet sheltered salty waters, they are great friends of the dolphins. They fashion caverns in lagoon bottoms and reefs where they live and work. They trade with land elves - metal goods (they are unable to forge underwater) for rare items found in the sea. For every 20 sea elves, there is a 50% chance that they are accompanied by 1-4 friendly dolphins.  
  • Aquatic elves use spears and tridents as weapons, usually in combination with nets. They do not use magic. They speak only elvish, but have been known to speak common.
They are humanoid in appearance with greenish-silver skin and green or blue-green hair. They breath air and can hold their breath for 20 minutes and live both on land and in water. they can not travel far from water, but both sea and fresh water are fine. They must make a CON check every 24 hours away from water and will begin to take damage (1d4). Sea caves is their preferred home. They can see clearly in the water, and use some bioluminescent algae's and seaweed at night.  
  • Seaweed affords little or no hindrance to their movement. They are excellent swimmers and get a normal movement in water.
They are invisible in weeds or on reefs.    
  • They are mortal enemies of sharks and Sahuagin , and will attack either if the elves outnumber them.
  • They are friends to dolphins and land elves, and neutral to all others, except for fishermen, whom they dislike due to the number of sea elves snared in nets and killed mistakenly as Sahuagin by these ignorant humans

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Beauty Ideals

Basic jewelry; shells, bone, wood.  Copper, pearls, are not uncommon.

Common Dress Code

skins of water predators.  Sharks, Seals,

Game Information

  1. advantage swim and boating checks. The make excellent sailors.
  2. They get all the same boons as Elf, but not the magic.
  3. No magic ability, they can use magic items.
  4. Trident preferred weapon: a spear gun (ranged), this shoots a short thin spear in the water at high velocity. close and short range 1d8 damage, long range 1d4.
  5. They are shy, so disadvantage to CHR reaction checks.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

Articles under Water Elf


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