Calithanes Organization in The Empty Throne | World Anvil


Vassal Lords | Eorldom of the Dawn

The CALITHANES family has been present on the Dawn Shore, defending the Kingdom of Rhone, since before the 3rd century BL. The family maintains a fortified stone shore-tower keep: Evedim Tower. It looms over their lands but also the shores from whence come the CALITHANES ancestral enemies: Cuth raiders. The Calithanes and their people have spilled the blood of any such intruder on Rhonish soil for nearly the lifespan of the kingdom. They remain a modest estate: the shore-tower, a small village of eight hundred--Ithedim, and various tenants in the foliage.

When the family line was raised to glory and land, in the waning years of the 3rd century they were led by the pure-blooded Rhuani warrior-woman, Lady Thelres Calithanes, as she rode into battle no matter the odds or elements against the Cuth raiding vessels from -240 to -226 BL. From there, Lady Thelres she covered herself in victory in the 1st Midlands Campaign and received the lands that she and hers had spilt blood in service to the Throne.

In ethnicity and outlook, the CALITHANES family has embraced their home and history along the Dawn Shores—in addition to embracing their neighbors with some regularity over the centuries. This ‘lust for life’ has caused more than a minor scandal on occasion. Unfortunately for the CALITHANES, there comes a time inevitably where the name and deeds of their ancestor, the Doomed Dame Soresha Calithanes, is bandied about and discussed in contemporary society. It is said by some, especially in the more stringent cabals within the Church, that the dark enchantress had cursed her entire line with her ‘unnatural appetites.’ And while many folks may agree that each generation the family members have shown themselves to be willing and eager lovers, in and out of wedlock, and instead of a curse—most folks point to the hereditary perfection of their features and forms.


The CALITHANES line and estate are governed by the matriarch, LADY VYNAEVE, who remains unmarried despite the passing of her husband over four years ago--slain by Cuth raiders less than a half-a-mile from their tower. LADY VYNAEVE maintains a firm grip on both the political and managerial demands of the office. The DAWN EORL, who also seems to struggle with recognizing women's accomplishments, has been heard publicly and repeatedly that the CALITHANES were some of his finest vassals and ably led by LADY VYNAEVE.


The CALITHANES family observes typical Dawn-centric cultural rituals and respects. They have spent more than two centuries embedding themselves within the very fabric of the EORLDOM OF THE DAWN. While trappings and lingering traces of their proud Rhuani blood, the CALITHANES have embraced the more haphazard courtship and blood-mingling common to those in DAWN. As such, a 'true' Rhuani would not consider them a direct lineage despite the fact that their family and the leaders of their line have sat in the same place for over two hundred and fifty years.


The family and their subjects rely primarily on the bounty of the waters off their shoreline. Easy access, skilled fishers and sailors along with enough fishing boats to catch in bulk has provided the family with a steady and growing resource. There are no known minerals or other resources--other than passage tolls and rights payments--that the family can rely on for survival. So it is no wonder that their fishing fleet and its sailors are accorded respect in this area of RHONE.

Silence Enables The Darkness

Family Standing
Total Domain
4 Pop
Ithedim Village/2, Evedim/1, cluster/1, Evedim Tower/0
EVEDIM TOWER (stone square keep, ditch &rampart)
Military Forces
Approx. (2) Knights, (3) Crossbowman, (3) Armored Sergeants, (14) Footmen
Founding Date
Political, Family
Family Leader
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Calithanes

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos