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The New Age

On this day, the new world came into being. Fresh and blank, yet not quite whole. The world exists in shards, floating in the void.

The Divine Emergence

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At this time, the divine figures known as Godbound began to show up along the surface of the new and empty world.

  • 1 DE


    The Birth of Kallfen, the Hallowed Keeper, the Eldest God
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Kallfen marks the 1st divine born into the world.

    As his form fell from the skies and met the land, a bellowing blast shook the world. The land in the wake of the fall became open fields of grass, far as the eyes could see in all directions. All save for the slight crater made from the celestial body.

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    1 01:00

    The Lurking Rot
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A ripple races across the entire realm, leaving patches of plant life in various stages of decay and chaotic growth. Yet, even within those patches, some seem to be enduring through it, unaffected.

    From this point forward, the world now knows the slow stages of breakdown from order, but also how to persist through it and endure regardless. Life now has limits, before the mortal coil gives out.

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    The Birth of Yimhuimbr'thu, The Maddened Composer of Fate
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Yimhuimbr'thu marks the 2nd divine born into the world.

    As his form fell from the sky, the earth bellow him shuddered in his coming. As far as the eyes could see, fields of dense growth and mushrooms sprouted. At his point of impact, a massive petrified mushroom was said to grow, representing his strange coming to the new world.

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    2 01:00

    Aria of Mystery
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A strange tune is heard across the realm, which always seems to be echoing just barely within hearing range.

    From this point forward, the world now knows the joy of music that speaks to the soul. But just as the music can touch the soul, it is now vulnerable to abnormalities. Both of these things have a way of diverting the very fabric of ones being, allowing a change to their destined paths.

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    The Birth of Uwapro
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Uwapro marks the 3rd divine born into the world.

    The body of this divine plummeted towards the earth, and when nearing the surface, a thick greenery rose to meet her. This slowed her fall, preventing a crash, but left a very thick forest in its wake. The thick greenery spread, expanding ever outward within the realm.

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    3 01:00

    Force of Nature
    Geological / environmental event

    An explosion of growth rippled through the land, turning what was once a small dense growth of trees into a spanning land of forest growth. Flora of all kinds grew from the earth until nothing else could be seen for miles. At it's center emanated a very primal energy, one whose strength was tied to the very earth itself. Anyone who spent time in the land could swear they felt themselves... Change, if only for a short while. Those that could already do so found their strength enhanced.   On this day, The Great Brookwood Forest came into being. And it its epicenter, a powerful Layline of Shapeshifting was bound to the land.

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    The Birth of Mirrihakesh Sol, Arbiter of the Swarm and Sands
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Mirrihakesh marks the 4th divine born into the world.

    The divine's body fell from the sky glowing like a falling star. It's impact hit so hard that the land around it crumbled into sand, leaving a desolate blazing earth for only the bravest to enter, let alone live.

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    4 01:00

    The Scorching Wave
    Geological / environmental event

    An intense wave of heat from the blistering sun overhead hit the lands, drying the earth to dust for miles around. The desert lands expanded greatly, as though clawing hands churned beneath the dunes, seeking to swallow the world whole. From the most desolate center of the harsh lands, a power clawed it's way forth from the earth.

    On this day, The Anurach Desert came into being. At it's center, the Leyline of Insects towers over the land.

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    The Birth of Nebula, the War-Torn Thief
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Nebula marks the 5th divine born into the world.

    With a blast, her body fell from the sky. As it collided with the earth, the impact was so great that it shattered the land around her, blasting additional chunks of land that caused similar reactions around for miles. The very land she was born into was left in ruins with her coming, as a warning to all those who might enter the realm.

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    5 01:00

    Fury of the Barrens
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    On this day, a furious dust storm rose out of the clear skies and the ferocity of it was one that had never been witnessed before, nor shall they every again. The tempest rose to an apex, threatening to tear apart the newly created world when suddenly the wind stopped. A thunderous roar emerged, with such force that it scattered the dust into the heavens and shook the land. And as quickly as it came, it disappeared without a trace.

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    The Birth of Vandringsman
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Vandringsman marks the 6th divine born into the world.

    The body of this divine fell with such force that it pierced the land, causing a great upheaval which left several mountains in its wake. The ripples made when he finally stopped left spaces akin to a cave system beneath the mountains. The landscape stretched as far as the eye could see, leaving the land vastly different that before.

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    6 01:00

    Yawn of the Earth
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A deep sound echoed through the earth below, heard all across the realm. It was as though the world itself were weary from it's birth and was ready for a much needed a rest.

    From this point forward, cave systems began to work themselves through the land, and in that a sense of desire rose to explore them as well as all of the other facets life brought to the world. This brought a sense and need to come together to form communities to accomplish ones desires, for they could not all be found alone.

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    The Birth of Dellia, the Fury of the Peaks
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Dellia marks the 7th divine born into the world.

    As her body fell from the skies, it struck the earth with such intensity that is shifted the land around her leaving it jutting into the air as a large mountain, with her at its foot.

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    7 01:00

    Daggers Reach for the Heavens
    Geological / environmental event

    An intense rumbling shook the earth for what seemed like a lifetime, and the jagged teeth of the earth of the earth rose to reach for the sky. The area for miles became a vast mountain range, inhospitable to all but the most patient of creatures.

      On this day, The Jagged Peaks came into being. At it's center, the Leyline of Earth towers over the other peaks.

    The Jagged Peaks
    More reading
    The Leyline of Earth
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    The Birth of Gaul, The Beast of Winter
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Gaul marks the 8th divine born into the world.

    As the body of this divine being approached the earth, it slowed. The literal earth below rose to the sky to meet him and wrapped it's chilly peaks around his body, leaving him upon the highest mountains. The land around the mountain grew frigid and cold, covered with a sheet of snow and ice.

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    8 01:00

    The Grasping Freeze
    Geological / environmental event

    The earth began to shudder and extreme cold blew in as though from nowhere, bringing snow and harsh wintry winds. The ground split and sundered with pieces driving into one another, causing it tower towards the cold sky as if grasping for life. Mountains rose from the frozen lands for miles around, leaving the lands devastated and for only the most persistent of creatures.
    On this day, the Frozen-Teeth mountain range came into being. At it's center, the Leyline of Winter stands out among the others in the range.

    The Frozen-Teeth
    More reading
    The Leyline of Winter
  • 1 DE


    The Birth of Kiro, the Clever Spark
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Kiro marks the 9th divine born into the world.

    As the body of this divine fell, his collision sundered the earth. The force generated such heat that the rock underground became lava, webbing it's way through the realm. His body came to rest at the bottom of a great ravine, where magma seemed to flow ceaselessly.

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    9 01:00

    The Bowels of the Raging Earth
    Geological / environmental event

    A rumbling from deep within the earth began, and the temperatures rose dramatically. The volcanic mountains spewed forth molten rock, and began to expand. Numerous other peaks began to rise, bursting forth with new magma from deep below. The fury of the earth spilled forth and wrought destruction upon the lands.

    On this day, the Calamity Peaks volcanic mountain range came into being. At it's center, the Leyline of Fire bellowed from the earth.

    More reading
    The Leyline of Fire
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    The Birth of Ashara, the Wandering Wind
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Ashara marks the 10th divine born into the world.

    The body of this divine plummeted to the earth and landed within vast field of green grass, seemingly softly and without notice. But in her wake within the green field, trees began to grow and dot the landscape. The trees grew with such speed that they creaked and groaned, until almost a carpet of fluffy green leaves covered the whole area. Her body no longer visible from the skies above, it rested safely below the boughs of the forest.

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    10 01:00

    Vast Migration
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The skies above darkened suddenly in the distance across the realm. A strange sound of rushing wind began to rise as the darkness began to spread, but as it neared, smaller winged creatures became visible. The dark wave crossed the sky, from one end to the other, for several minutes until the darkness subsided and left as quickly as it came.

    From this point forward, the world understood the nature of travel and the need to roam the land. The winged creatures of the land, birds, migrated the world and the people devised how to create and use tools meant to hunt the creatures of the sky.

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    The Birth of Sabi, the Captivating Essence
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Sabi marks the 11th divine born into the world.

    As this divine's body fell, she landed harshly, stirring the land. The land around became humid and water filled, but became stagnant, like a marsh. Her body lay among the muddy bog soundly resting.

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    Primal Rush
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    All of a sudden, a misty haze fell across the realm. All of those on the earth felt a strange feeling, as though they were floating on the clouds without a worry in the world. But as soon as it came, the feeling left, leaving all that had felt it with a slight throbbing headache.   From this point forward, the world knew the joys that come with dance and the feeling of a high while partaking in gifts of the world. The masses also learned of the voice of command, always keeping those below in line and teaching them their place.

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    The Birth of Askalon, The Heavenly Temporal Guardian
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Askalon marks the 12th divine born into the world.

    The body of this divine fell from the sky and into a vast dry flatland. Upon colliding with the earth, the passing of time literally warped the area. In the wake of the landing, a body lay on a raised petrified slab of earth, surrounded by dried salt flats that stretched for miles in every direction. The area itself feels as though it were ancient, yet all know the world was fresh and new.

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    12 01:00

    The Sky-Burst
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A blinding flash was seen across the skies over the realm. Shortly after, a soft light fell from the sky as though a slight drizzle.

    From this point forward, a current began to flow in the very sky itself as well as the ebbs and flows of time noticeable within the world.

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    The Birth of Syvetta, The Architect of the Iron Tide
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Syvetta marks the 13th divine born into the world.

    As her body fell the earth, the land crumbled around her. This created a deep basin, and with her landing, a loud booming was heard. Upon this collision with the basins bed, water spewed forth and filled it to the brim. This left the divines body sitting in a small crater at the bottom of a great ocean that slowly began to fill with life.

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    Torrential Cloud-Fall
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The skies across the realms darken, covering it in dark heavy clouds. Heavy and torrential downpours fell all over the world, collecting in numerous places as lakes or starting river flows.

    From this point forward, clouds have formed in the skies. Various forms of weather began to appear across the world. In the minds of others, ideas have begun to form, encouraging craft in all it's forms. Many lesser forms of life can be found in all corners of the realms.

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    The Birth of Grim, the Dreaded Darkness
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Grim marks the 14th divine born into the world.

    As his body fell, not a sound did it make as it came to rest on the earth bellow. If it were not for the crater it left from the impact, would would it just appeared, with little to mark his coming. Around him, life rapidly grew, but then as fast as it came it then left. In its wake it left the dead and skeletal remains of trees that left eerie shadows all about the land.

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    14 01:00

    The Darkened Sky
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    On this day, the sky turned dark, the darkest it had ever been. Light itself seemed almost sucked into the darkness and it became thick, wrapping around the inhabitants of the world. While the sky was dark, a terrible shudder shook the realm and the earth groaned under the weight of that single moment. And the darkness slowly began to fade, as though it had never happened.

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    The Birth of Vialdir
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Vialdir marks the 15th divine born into the world.

    His body fell from the sky a slammed into the earth with such ferocity that it produced an explosion of energy. This blast caused the land at its site to turn into a form of crystal, as well as the pieces thrown into the air. For miles around, the land became a shimmering field of crystal shards.

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    15 01:00

    Ascension of Blood
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    On this day, a strange storm rose across the skies of the realm. A storm that the world had never seen, nor would it ever again. As the darkened clouds rolled in, it began to rain. Only the rain was not of water, but blood instead. The roaring of the storm grew until it seemed a tempest was going to rip across the earth. And then suddenly it stopped as quickly as it had begun. In it's wake, numerous smaller lifeforms were found dead. And the source was nothing but a mystery to this day.