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The Covenant

With the work of The Binding of the Dark God and construction of the Insensible Cage complete, Primus set himself a new task. There was no Overgod here to prevent the gods from warring with each other again, no Demiurge to set unbreakable barriers in place to keep them from crossing each other's portfolios or stealing power. Who or whatever created Empyrean was either dead or gone, so there must be a Covenant between them. An ironclad, enforcible contract, that no god could break without swift and final reprisal. And Primus knew exactly the being that could conceive of such a contract.


And so The One and the Prime went to The Hells, and beseeched Asmodeus. Once the greatest angel to ever exist, and now the greatest devil, he who had convinced the gods of his worth and dedication to law in his very own trial.


Asmodeus was ever so happy to help, but of course, there would be a price, and that price was power. Asmodeus wanted his own godhood, or something like it. Primus considered this, and negotiations began. For forty days and nights The One and THe Prime and The Archduke of The Hells traded offers, discussed, argued, haggled, and mediated. Until finally the two parties arrived at a settlement. Asmodeus would have godlike power and sole dominion over the demiplanes of The Hells, without the intervention or oversight of the New Gods, so long as he continued in his role of funneling the soul power of the mortals he corrupted to the gods, contained The Blood War within The Underworld, never challenged the gods, and never left The Hells, or conquered any other realms. A permanent status quo. Asmodeus and Primus agreed to these terms, and primus crafted for him the Ruby Rod of Asmodeus that would both confer these powers and ensure his compliance, as well as the compliance of every devil under Asmodeus's control.


In exchange, Asmodeus wrote a contract. The Covenant of the gods. This all-powerful agreement set forth in binding language, the rights, responsibilities, and rules that the gods must adhere to in dealings with each other. It contained clauses about arbitrating disagreements, described punishments for every conceivable violation, and forbade any god from attempting to take power from another god. The covenant contains limiting language about how to prevent the rising of other new gods, and faith-based beings that might threaten the delicate balance of power, it contains a code of conduct, and a statute for every possible outcome that may arise. It is said to be longer than twice the distance around the equator of Ora and completely ironclad.


Primus then took the document to each god in turn and had them each sign it. Some were more readily convinced than others, but with Tharizdun's betrayal so fresh in their minds, in the end, they all signed it. Primusratified the document with the ultimate power of Law as a basic cosmic concept, and each signatory was given a copy.


With that Asmodeus got what he wanted, unfettered control over the entire demiplane, and Primus received the contract that would achieve ultimate control over all of the gods.

Contract, Private


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