Ezola Meretincelle

Oligarch Ezola Meretincelle

Ezola Meretincelle is a fifty six year old half-elven woman, though her half-elven blood and skill with alchemy makes her look half that age. She is one of six Oligarchs reining over Reishi Island.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ezola is physically well. As a half elf, she is still solidly within her prime, though the time that she spends at a desk handling her duties as an Oligarch has taken its toll on her athleticism. She remains tall, slender, and graceful.

Facial Features

Ezola, like all members of the Meretincelle family, is marked by the golden ring in her eyes. No matter what other features may or may not arise, those with Meretincelle blood always have gold in their eyes, both figuratively and literally. Her ears are slightly pointed, denoting her half aquatic elf ancestry more obviously than her bluish-silver hair might.

Apparel & Accessories

Ezola dresses as is befitting of her position: opulently. Her hair is immaculately tended to, she is bedecked in pearls and golden jewelry, and her dresses are of some of the highest quality, made in the southern Amahitzan style.

Mental characteristics


Ezola received the best education Korsoa could offer her, meaning that she spent time in all three of Korosa's commercial guilds. Her early years had her receiving instruction at Taylan Academy, granting her some artistic skill and - more importantly - aesthetic understanding. Next, she spent some time apprenticed at the Korosa Artisan Guild, learning the basics of each craft so that she could accurately determine the quality of items presented to her. Finally, she learned the art of trading at Richer Rivals.   Later on, Ezola received further instruction in how to manage a state only a few years before she succeeded her father as the acting head of the Meretincelle family.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Although Ezola was not the one to invent seaspark, nor did she invent the gun, she has managed to streamline the production of both to great success. By taking in clever slaves to work in the Meretincelle labs and branding them with magical slavescars to prevent them from spilling the secret, Ezola has managed to effectively quadruple her "trusted" work force, greatly increasing the amount of seaspark Korosa can produce.

Morality & Philosophy

Ezola is ruthless and greedy, but she isn't without a moral compass. She does not always like the things she has to do to stay in power, and she takes steps to "make up" for her sins, but she commits them anyways. In her eyes, it is her solemn duty to maintain the wealth of her family, as her mother and grandfather did before her. To show mercy when gold can be made instead is foolishness.



Ezola has been the head of the Meretincelle family, and thereby one of the Councilwomen of the Oligarchy for the past twenty years.

Family Ties

Ezola is the mother to Eloise and Danielle Meretincelle and the wife to Karam Meretincelle.

Social Aptitude

Holding a seat on a council of rulers as she does, Ezola has a certain degree of charisma and confidence by raw necessity, and her position as a noblewoman from an established family ensured that her etiquette training was top-notch.


Ezola Meretincelle

spouse (Important)

Towards Karam Meretincelle



Karam Meretincelle

spouse (Vital)

Towards Ezola Meretincelle



Wealth & Financial state

As the head of the wealthiest family in Korsola, the wealthiest city of the Asamaline Expanse, Ezola is doing quite well in the financial department.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Managing the trade and taxation of Reishi Island.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Councillady Ezola, Highlady Meretincelle
Date of Birth
10th of Markmal, 3412 3AE
Reishi Island
Current Residence
Citadel Armarantha
Gray with a ring of gold around the pupil, almond-shaped and soft.
Silver-blue, long, but kept in styled beneath a headpiece. Silky-smooth.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sun-kissed skin, lightly freckled althroughout.
159 lbs carried gracefully
Aligned Organization