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The Arcantris Dominion

Serinlor, Forthal

Built by Mowse and the creative players of the Arcantris Campaign
The Arcantris Dominion is a magocratic human kingdom in northern Serinlor, Forthal. It is known as the home to some of the Everplane's strongest mages and under the rule of the Arcantris Council, it is a strong political power in the modern day.  


Arcantris has always been at the forefront of magical development in Forthal, and since the Age of Humanity there has been a social divide in opportunity for those gifted in magical prowess. Social class valued arcane ability over wealth, though due to the demand for those who are magically gifted, power and wealth often went hand-in-hand.   Trade was mostly kept internal, though in the 3rd Century of the Age of Mortality, trade developed via Port Lune, extending to the Cities of Erinsten, The Pavaerian Isles and some parts of Western Edisia.  


Arcantris has been ruled by a council of mages since it developed beyond the self-governed settlements of Vyraelor. The Arcantris Council was previously led by an individual Arcane Sovereign, the first of which being Magister Tristalan who shaped and named much of what would become modern day Arcantris.   Up until 258 MR, Arcantris was fairly isolated and did not negotiate favourably with other political powers. Under new leadership in the role of the Archmage of Diplomacy, diplomats and ambassadors have worked with other nations to represent political interests. Kysn Ameth is a diplomat of Olvistand(Pavaeria), and Anastasia Beth’tillion-Truesilver is a Thulkiiran ambassador.   There is a longstanding, passive truce with Mal Faruhm, the dwarven kingdom in the mountains, while in the south-west, the elves of Serindell refuse to negotiate diplomatically with Arcantris.   Since the fall of the Xocelan Empire, Arcantris has been an enemy of The Ambrose Dynasty. Both sides of the Underloch spread propaganda to paint the other in a bad light.  


Mystra, The Arcanum is the founding faith of Arcantris, stemming from its Elven roots. The central academy Tris'tharum was built from an ancient monument believed to be the strongest place of magic on the prime material plane and a gift to the founding elves from Mystra herself.   Stemming from the reign of the Xocelan Empire, the Iron Sigil imposed The Raven Queen's tenets onto the people of Arcantris. These traditional beliefs have been upheld through the years and to this day, necromancy remains a forbidden form of magic.   The Seekers keep the council aligned with Ioun's ideals with regards to knowledge and arcane development.  


The Arcantris Dominion occupies the lowland east of Sierra'thena, the long mountain range that vertically bisects Northern Forthal. This lowland is referred to as the Serinlor region of Forthal, and east of the river the flows through it is the territory of Arcantris.   This region is mostly grassland and forest, vegetated by prevailing winds that are almost uninterrupted from the tropical south of Forthal, and the climate is temperate, averaging 20-25°C in the summer with lows of -5°C in the winter.  


Umen'tal is the capital of Arcantris and where the Council rules from. Trade follows a major travel route north to Port Lune, while military efforts are sent south to Steelgrove. Duskwell is the primary location for the worship of Avacyn/Sigarda, and Koln is the primary location for mining.  



Vyraelor -13,000 MR

High Elven nomads from Serindell followed a source of great magic to the middle of Serinlor. Here they built a shrine to Mystra known as Tharum’vul’taar (monument of great mages). The kingdom that formed around it was named Vyraelor.  

Eruption of Egas'molir -7795 MR

The volcano in the Ember Range erupted, destroying western Vyraelor. This land never recovered and magic begun to vanish from it.  

Umen'tal -3210 MR

Humans discovered and integrated with elves of Vyraelor. They built a city around Tharum’vul’taar name Umen'tal, The City of Omens. The elves were not happy with how invasive they were to their culture and they became segregated.  

Lich Council -2615 MR

The Rites of Lichdom were learned by a cabal of six humans of Umen'tal. A traitorous Baelnorn named Hezor joined with these human liches to form the Lich Council and took over Vyraelor over the course of the following 200 years. The land was renamed the Kingdom of Arcane Prodigies, or Arcane Kingdom.   To maintain their lichdom, they constructed the three Dread Rings between -2300 and -1900 MR.  

War with the Xocelan Empire -921 MR

The Xocelan Empire waged war against the Arcane Kingdom, managing to slay all seven of the Lich Council, destroying their phylacteries. Under Xocelan rule, Magister Tristalan was put in charge and became the Arcane Sovereign. This sovereign state of Xocel was named the Arcantris Dominion.   A century later, Tharum’vul’taar was rebuilt into an academy named Tris'tharum, designed to train mages for the sovereign.  

The Killing Shroud -597 MR

In the 5 years prior to the war between the Xocelan Empire and Serindell, the Arcantris Dominion made a political truce with Mal Faruhm, the dwarven kingdom that bordered Arcantris in the mountains.   When war broke out, the mages from Arcantris begun to close in on the borders of Serindell, though they found the Xocelan Empire had been wiped out, leaving a wasteland in its place.   Three powerful elven Selu'taar from Serindell had fled during this conflict due to disagreements in the resolution of that conflict. They became the Spire Mages, occupying three mage towers in fairly secluded regions in Arcantris territory.   With the Xocelan Empire gone, full leadership was left to the Arcane Sovereign and the Arcantris Council.  

Khorgash -71 MR

Professor Tham, greedy for power, became a cultist of the Chained Seraph. He knew her true identity, and she led him to the Book of Vile Darkness used and sequestered away by the Lich Council. He ascended to Lichdom and took the name Khorgash.   In -51 MR, he killed the Arcane Sovereign Idyrin. It took the combined efforts of a group of adventurers, alongside all three Spire Mages to banish Khorgash to Limbo.  

War of the Cross Garrison 132 MR

A drow faction known as The Skulkers amassed an army of Thrikreen from forests near the Cross Garrison. This led to a 5 month war that soured any good will between Arcantris and The Ambrose Dynasty.  

The Troburn Cliffs 257 MR

A false declaration of war was declared on Arcantris by The Ambrose Dynasty. This was a scheme by the Arcane Circle to fuel the southern Dread Ring. Aida Duclos sparked the conflict using her simulacrum.   This battle took place south of Arcantris on the Troburn Cliffs before the plot was discovered.  

The Forbidden Shift 258 MR

Lady Marian Vess and the Arcane Circle obtained the Eyes of Hezor. One was traded to The Seer for the Wand of Orcus.   With the power of the wand, the Dread Rings, and the remaining eye, they teleported the Forbidden Citadel from the Abyss to the Prime Material, swapping places with Eylan.   Lady Marian Vess and Lady Blanche Beaumont were slain by the Storm's Ward, but the citadel remained in Arcantris.
Table of Contents   Also known as
Vyraelor (ancient origin name)
Kingdom of Arcane Prodigies (formerly)
Arcane Kingdom   Location
Serinlor, Forthal   Leadership
Magocratic Council   Primary Races
Human, Halfling   Capital
Umen'tal   Primary Religions
Mystra, The Arcanum
The Raven Queen
Avacyn, Archangel of Hope

Major Cities


Minor Settlements


Wild Regions



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