Cù-Sìth Species in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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The cù-sìth is a Fae beast resembling a large hound. It is known for it's large frame and shaggy green, grey or black fur. It's most defining feature is lack of skin or fun over it's face, leaving the skull exposed. There are also random areas of it's body with the same lack of cover, where one can see through to the bone. The only certain location of this visual feature however is the skull. All cù-sìth vary in the location and spread of the lack of cover. Some have only a few exposed spots, others have entire limbs. 

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

The cù-sìth can be omnivorous but prefer a meat diet.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The cù-sìth are both pack hunters and solitary creatures. Mated pairs maintain a pack structure with their young until they reach an age to survive on their own at which point the pups turn to a solitary life until they mate and have young of their own.
The cù-sìth are well adapted to both lifestyles.


Over the centuries the Ash Fae have tamed and domesticated the cù-sìth. There are still some wandering the South in the wild but many more live as pets, hunting hounds and guard dogs of Ash property. Their violent natures make them the perfect pet for the sadistic Ash Folk.
In the Forests of Eldemur however, they are seen as wild beasts that can attack travellers unprovoked as well as lead them astray off the roads. the Forest Folk have attempted several times to domesticate the beasts as the Ash have done but the court's peaceful nature makes it difficult to train the aggressive beasts.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The fur colour varies depending on where the cù-sìth is found. The cù-sìth of the Forests of Eldemur range in shades of green whereas those of the Southern Territories are grey or black and occasionally a deep, dark green.
by Heather Cochrane
200 years
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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