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Session 15 - Discussing the Future

Fritz: You know when you're on the run, you probably shouldn't use your real name.

Jalan: I fell asleep in that spy class.

Plot points/Scenes


  • Drant gets boots: let him have advantage on hearing-based stealth checks when walking on the ground (cobblestones, dirt, etc….like nature will be more difficult to be quiet, and if he’s seen, it’s pointless)
  • We have a pleasure barge! Bar is great and fully stocked, Sheen is done, works pretty well considering (spend 50 gold)
  • Jeochmann’s archer underling who we imprisoned’s name is Penelope Flair
  • Unable to reproduce the knife-wielding tentacles, spend 100gp on the effort
  • “Blow up the castle with daryl borksnob the court mage with a bob”
    • On the way up occasionally attacked by wild creatures, gregory continues to prove his usefulness
    • Because Jalan bought only stupid-hard liquor and Borksnob only likes fruity girly shit, Drant has to forage for wild berries and Fritz uses her alchemy kit to create a passable drink that gets Borksnob so drunk he doesn’t wake up for 2 days
  • Jeochhmann is slowly getting a hold on his magic
  • We brought 8 of our 20 fortress-spiders to the bandit stronghold for protection
  • Sheen was a wonderful bartender
  • Wizmur is translating bandit notes from archaic but isn’t done (refuses to give out information until he’s totally done)
  • Small list of upgrades we can add to the prison:
    • System hardening - raise threshold from level 5 to level 11 (a level 11 anyone could escape but below that, nope)
  • Isabelle is hired
  • Robin starts compiling information he has on the Murder Death Cult
  • Govt. sends new prisoner, leader of a rebellion from the west side of the continent (Walter Lendtsuwn; pronounced: Lensuhn)
  • Inquisitor keeps showing up to talk to nevermore, always leaves disappointed
  • Also frequently visited by high-ranking actual inquisitors that come to talk to nevermore, also always leave disappointed
  • Never find the time to explore more library rooms
  • Permanently table the idea of installing a new security system in the Embassy and stealing more shit
  • Continue to pursue the millennium Artifacts, but don’t get a whole lot of information...will take more hands-on work
  • We find that Merlin’s Eye was the Ye Olde name of the fortress-turned-bandit-place-turned-research-facility
  • Fritz tests her theory re: Ralodithius and the bandit fort being interchangeable magic hotspots, proves not to be the case but of the 20 fortress researchers, 5 of them come back with us to the power plant to study Ralodithius’ shit because they are super intrigued
  • In various interactions in taverns, Fritz gets called Tinker-tot; Jalan: Spider-kisser
  • Over time, as we start wandering throughout the power plant, we all start randomly experiencing incoherent whispers
  • Incident 2 months in: one of the flux suits we have stored in the cryochamber opens the cryochamber and starts walking around, Fritz fries it with the giant electric spider guardian, suit’s fried and unrecoverable, cryochamber wasn’t forced open, but the code timelog says only that the “open” sequence was activated, nothing suspicious
  • Power line to Ambervern is completed, we get the same amount of money from them as from Stonedeep
  • Fritz becomes semi-well-known throughout the town for doing odd jobs and completing small tinkering contracts
  • Jalan gets repeatedly jumped by a group of people there to “teach him a lesson” about pissing off the ringleader from the shady tavern with the fighting ring, he’s luckily accompanied by Gregory most of the time
  • Terrence is doing a phenomenal job managing Jalan’s spy-ring, matter-of-fact tells Jalan that he’s considering himself permanently employed by us since his troupe left without him and he likes this work better anyway
    • Jalan manages to get Meghan to help him embezzle money from the company - Fritz’s got the financial books on lock but she’s very unwise and too trustworthy - hidden in the fee for building a power line to Ambervern is 75 gold that Meghan hands off to Jalan a month
    • Fritz has no idea that this happened
  • We get Francesca Liverworth elected, through Carissa getting dirt on David Hauschmead, and Borksnob and Meghan getting dirt on Carissa (we manage to do enough damage that Carissa loses the election but not so much that she blames us or gets dangerous over it)
    • Carissa does accuse us of not helping her at the end when all the rumor’s started coming out
    • Carissa donated a bunch of money to charities towards the end in an effort to look better publicly but it didn’t work
      • Shelters for the homeless and abused, the Order has a new center here and actually supported her publicly towards the end
    • gossips that she’s seen Borksnob cavorting with some woman at a bar near the embassy, which she sees as suspicious bc he’s terrible with women (probably him just not being sneaky enough with one of Jalan’s network)
    • In order to secure herself financially as she leaves, she’s sending out word to other towns that the Dwemer technology can be sold to the public instead of just being a free public resource
    • We do know that since losing her position with the government, she doesn’t get government wages, benefits, etc.
  • Robin continues to work at tinkering under Fritz, to be continued…
  • We’ve got a drinking-buddy relationship with Victor Jackson, the drunk-monk
  • Phantasmium is continually being mined at the nearby mine, making a metric ton of gold for the owner/government…
    • They’re bringing in lots of slave caravans from Red March, Jalan is starting to get recognized by some of the caravan drivers, he hears word from his spy network that they’re starting to question if he’s the Jalan Kendith
      • F: “You know when you’re on the run, you probably shouldn’t use your real name”
      • J: “I fell asleep in that spy class”
    • Under Liverworth, slavery is still allowed (she had to make certain allowances to maintain office or be lynched), but she put certain limitations on it
  • Jalan starts an underground white-collar crime/embezzlement ring
    • A good insight check tells him that Terrence was definitely a criminal of some sort before he was a trouper
    • Crooked lawyer, judge, and inquisitor
    • Has a couple of favors from his criminal network
    • Both he and Terrence have the experience necessary to set up a similar network in another city (though favors don’t carry over)
  • Drant expands his hive mind
    • Gets two 0.5 CR giant wasps and trains them
    • They can fly Drant and Fritz around out of combat, but get very distressed around combat so are useless
  • Drant’s baby spiders hatch, he now has 3 mini baby spiders who enjoy bugging Jalan at night
  • Fritz researches and constructs Tier 1 of adrenaline shot
  • Fritz and Jalan independently convert their huge sums of wealth into more easily transportable/hideable platinum, Fritz takes extra precautions to hide the bulk of the money but still leave out enough that it’s not suspicious

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