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Vincent Syndarkyl

Vincent Syndarkyl was hired into Soular Power’s caravan after Fritz’s brush with death outside of Ambervern.1 Profoundly affected by her near-death experience, Fritz sought out a place of worship - incidentally, a temple to Heimdall - and inquired about hiring a cleric or similar warrior of the faith who would be able to provide both protection and resurrection services in the unfortunate event that they were needed. In Ambervern’s Temple to Heimdall, Fritz was introduced to Vincent, a recent graduate of his studies, and a stoic, dedicated, and no-nonsense acolyte to the temple but a fun loving and bubbly guy outside of his work. She hired him on the spot, and he joined the party for the foreseeable future.

Vincent has a stomach for drinking that rivals but nowhere near surpasses Fritz. Perhaps his strongest character trait is his zero-tolerance policy for anything even remotely related to necromancy, going so far as to condemn to death anybody who so much as tinkers with it, regardless of their intentions or danger to society at large. He also takes Heimdall’s “live life to the fullest” tenet very seriously, scoffing at the idea of being either celibate or sober. When not partaking in bodily indulgences, Vincent can be seen sitting and reading a small religious book, “The Big Book of Heimdall,” occasionally smiling quietly to himself.

Vincent quickly proved his worth as an addition to Soular Power, both as a capable fighter and a reliable source of healing and protection in combat. Fritz was kept constantly on her toes trying to hide Jalan's and Drant's less-than-altruistic activities (particularly their cultish leanings, which - to be fair - she was entirely against anyway) from Vincent in an attempt to keep the party in his good graces and secure his long-standing loyalty. However, in Malzrog's Temple, Vincent overheard Drant’s desperate cry to Morpheus after Nymph’s situation became dire, and upon confronting him about it (and some skillful defusing of the situation from Fritz) declared that he would ‘barely tolerate Drant as a fellow humanoid and will never use his healing magic on him again,’ though he would continue to tolerate his presence in the party.2

After this point, whenever situations became emotionally tense, Fritz would subtly side with Vincent over Drant and Jalan.

Drant approached Vincent in desperation not long after the events in Malzrog’s Temple, with Nymph still petrified and no solution in sight. Vincent offered Drant forgiveness and the chance to escape Morpheus’ cult by devoting himself to Heimdall instead, an alternative Drant happily accepted - Nymph was unpetrified and Drant provided with a task: find the nearest necromantic lair and destroy it. It was in this adventure which the party became fully aware of the extent of Vincent’s hatred for necromancy, as he without mercy destroyed all traces of necromancy and demanded that the acolytes there either convert to Heimdall or face death. Only one of the acolytes, Sullivan, survived, in a shady dream-sequence ritual in which Drant unintentionally killed the other, Berry - Vincent seemed very pleased by this outcome, declaring them both clean and willing souls.3

In the party’s adventure into a cave system outside of Stalwartz, Vincent had an entirely too close brush with death with a plague maiden - it was only thanks to Alvira's quick thinking and medical expertise that he managed to survive the journey back to Stalwartz and into the capable hands of Woggugat, the village alchemist, and fortuitously, Garck, who was able to extract the magical poison that very nearly was Vincent’s demise.4

The Soular Power Caravan set off from Stalwartz to Streamwalk when Vincent was mostly healed. Along the way, he had an intensely unfortunate mishap whilst foraging for food and fell into a crevice and broke his leg. Nymph managed to find him before he lost his ongoing battle with a small pack of wolves that intended to make the crippled cleric their meal, and fetched Fritz and Gregory Hammstein just in time to extract him from his imminent demise.5 The next day, when the Caravan stumbled across Kossuth's Sanctuary, Fritz - in a terrible oversight - notified Vincent that the grounds seemed to be necromantically cursed, and he insisted upon hobbling his way into the cemetery to cast some cleansing rituals upon it. When the Grave Guardian locked Vincent along with Fritz, Drant, and Jalan inside the cemetery and demanded a sacrifice of life, quick thinking and Jalan's lack of morality ensured that the party escaped without loss of life.6

Alive, recovering
Notable Involvement
Cleric of Heimdall, Fritz's hired muscle, necromancy
Current Location

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