Blood Bonds Spell in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Blood Bonds

A spell gifted to Moonlight Through Rain and Oksana Bosko by Agata Bosko. Apparently traded to her by Reb Itto - though we haven't asked What the Fuck is Up with That yet.   On Dalitar's research list because it appears to be a part of a larger spell, which warrants investigation. Rain considers this dumbing down of spells a personal insult.   Dalitar has since spent time pulling the spell into two halves - the familliar binding and the corruption transfer. He believes that theoretically, if you had a 'sink' that could hold Corruption (the Familiar in Blood Bonds), and forged a link between yourself and it using the transfer part of the spell, one could possibly move Corruptiuon to any prepared vessel. After consulting with Goldriver, Cuithger might be used to help forge a powerful link instead of Silver.   The question is, how does one prepare something to become Corrupted without adverse effects?   The Crystal of Purity a.k.a. The Orb is one example of a prepared Corruption 'sink', though it has been changed from its initial purpose with complex magic.   Dal also believes that a Cuithgar vessel would be very suitable, due to the unique 'living' attributes of the metal, but didn't get the buy in he needed from Goldriver to start this project up in Anglwyrd.


You magically link yourself to your familiar to an even greater degree, allowing you to share the burden of Corruption  between the two of you. The familiar’s Corruption Threshold becomes equal to 2, plus any positive Charisma modifier. When you receive temporary or permanent Corruption you may direct all or part of it to your familiar.

Side/Secondary Effects

Probably makes you a bad person for corrupting your lil friend. Shame on you.
Material Components
two fine silver chains, one for the caster and one for the familiar, 50 thaler total
Related School
Effect Casting Time
10 mins


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