Fallowfeld Settlement in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Fallowfeld ("Empty Field")

For pre-disaster, see Fetterfeld.   Following the Abominations attack on Fetterfeld on the 23rd Enlightening 378, the village lay in ruin and locals termed it Fallowfeld.   The ruin became a symbol of despair and loss caused by Abominations. Over time, nature reclaimed the well-tended fields and woods. Though it appeared devastated and even haunted, visitors even returned to the site to pay their respects to those who died to corruption and abominations, not just in this attack but in all the Vale. They did this by stacking stones around the site.   Reika Günay and Rah Tah Tum described the scene to Sigrid Arnulf, who had never returned. Viserys Rohan revealed he plans to rebuild the village and restore it once again to Fetterfeld.


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