Fetterfeld Settlement in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Fetterfeld ("Field of Cousins")

For post-disaster, see Fallowfeld.   Fetterfeld was the birthplace of Sigrid Arnulf and where she lived up until 10 years old.   The village was not too far from Ypakar -- it lay close enough that the city and village would share similar threats but far enough apart you couldn't travel between them without too many days or complications passing.   Fetterfeld was effectively a self-sustaining commune built and maintained by those who welcomed alternative lifestyles and religions with open arms. It managed rich farmland and woodland for crops, herbs, game and building materials, and traded for other goods with roaming Traders.   There were no leaders of this village, but Ulfric Eriksen and Arnuld Johansen were among those who drove its development.  

23rd Enlightening 378

On this evening, an Abominations attack destroyed the village and killed all its inhabitants -- bar Sigrid Arnulf, who was down by the river, a mile or so from the village at the time.   Such a sudden and fierce attack was rarely seen within the Vale so close to Ypakar, especially outside of a True Night. The cause of this event was investigated, but no conclusions were drawn, or at the very least made public. The suspected causes were the corruption of spellcaster Marta Arnulf, tiefling Trader Dharri Kymir, and unharmed lone survivor Sigrid Arnulf, who was kept a close eye on while she was raised in Ypakar.   After it was clear that the village could not easily be salvaged, Fetterfeld was abandoned, and locals renamed it Fallowfeld.


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