La Marais de Champignons Settlement in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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La Marais de Champignons

A mushroom swamp, suspected to be to the north-east of Anglwyrd Crossing (roughly 4 weeks' travel), in The Forest of Davokar. It is a beautiful swamp with sparkling water and towering, vibrant tree-sized mushrooms. It is likely populated by fey creatures and other undead creations like Qwyn.   This is where Qwyn was 'raised' and travelled from (which is why its exact location is unconfirmed). Qwyn enjoyed their life here as they were well looked after, but they called it 'boring' and eventually decided to leave and explore the world, having never left the swamp before.   La Marais has special celebrations on True Nights (which they call Night Without Shadows) where the community gathers together, shares a feast enjoys each others' company. Qwyn was also 'raised' on a True Night.   It is possible this is connected to "The Keeper" as well as Cerin Gul , but this is speculation based on assumed locations and information from the atlas found in The Glittering Chambers.  

Notable Persons

  • Qwyn 
  • Maximilien 
  • Qwyn's family: Auntie, Uncle and Granny (Grandmother), Ser Collymoddle
Unknown - 'lots' according to Qwyn (more than 10)
Location under


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