Qwyn Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Vexilqwynvanth'ilith'aaril (a.k.a. Qwyn)

"Hyello! My name is Qwyn!"
Qwyn is a fucked up lil guy who just fuckin turned up one day at Anglwyrd Crossing looking to make friends, along with their Familiar Maximilien. It's Probably Fine.   They claim to be a half-elf because "half of me is elf" (don't ask about the other half).   Qwyn has been referred to as 'The Chosen One' by Max a few times. Again, it's Probably Fine.   Speaks Elvish and Sylvan (both first languages) however unable to read or write either. Their elvish is a strange mixture of different dialects/accents.

Character Biography


(All info that player characters know)   Qwyn was 'raised' approx. 9 months ago, on True Night (5th Building 392) in La Marais de Champignons, a mushroom swamp in The Forest of Davokar. The circumstances and details of their 'birth' are unclear. It appears that their body was created by stitching together various body parts from deceased humanoids and they were then animated through necromantic magics. Qwyn has said their Auntie created their body.   During their time in La Marais, Qwyn was well looked after. They say they mostly relaxed, drew, talked to people and didn't have to do much thinking or any work.   La Marais seems to be populated by fey and other undead, like Qwyn, however the population is unknown (Qwyn can't count). Qwyn also mentions knowing small, house-cat sized dragons.   Their community gathers on True Night (which they call Night Without Shadows) for a celebration, feast and enjoying each others' company.   Ultimately, Qwyn eventually grew bored of every day being the same and left La Marais with Max, having never left before. They did plan that they would return home eventually. The pair travelled through the forest for approx. 4 weeks, going past (but not into) Ael Nurnan/Stone City of Bardh before arriving at the edge of the forest and Anglwyrd Crossing.  

In Campaign

Qwyn rocked up to Anglwyrd Crossing on the 24th of Warming, after approx. 4 weeks' travel, first meeting Quaff Deekek and Viserys Rohan before being introduced to the rest of the party.   Qwyn is invited to stay with Moonlight Through Rain in her rafters and Qwyn bonds closely to her. Rain shows a great interest in Qwyn (Probably Fine and no sinister motives here), also because Qwyn and Miska have a weird interaction going on (Miska's body seems to almost break its bonds, its smokey hand engulfing Qwyn's). Rain theorises the magic that causes them to both work might be similar.   After hearing Oksana Bosko's tragic backstory and about her exile from Anglwyrd, Qwyn is sympathetic and promises her they will 'help in any way they can'. They leave Anglwyrd with half the party heading first to Bardh then to the Eastern Ruins (The Glittering Chambers). Along the way, Oksana tries to teach Reb Itto and Qwyn about the word (painfully).   The group arrives in Aglarond, The Glittering Chambers , meeting the dwarves, spending some time in quarantine (defacing a Hallow scroll) and killing a mushroom-infected dragon. During the fight, Alarë Awarthiel dies and Qwyn Spirit Walks into her purgatory? Afterlife? Qwyn is able to assist with a revivify spell, bringing Alare back.   Qwyn and the party fight some earth elementals, as well as Oksana who has turned into The Boy / Koschei. When the battle ends, Qwyn witnesses Rain muder Oksana and confronts her about it, before Spirit Walking into the Afterlife to try to find and bring her back. Unlike with Alare, Qwyn is unable to help bring Oksana back and leaves her in the endless sea. This greatly distresses Qwyn, who expresses anger at Rain and frustration that 'it's not fair!'.


Qwyn is very charismatic and has zero boundaries when it comes to social situations. Everyone they meet is declared an instant friend (could they be over generalising the word friend? No, surely not!).  

Maximilien (Familiar)

Main article: Maximilien   Qwyn's trusty but grumpy guardian. His true feelings about Qwyn are somewhat unclear - he is protective and will defend them, but it's not clear whether this is from genuine care and affection or obligation. Qwyn seems blissfully ignorant  


"Anything that might hurt me or cause me harm - they really don't want that to happen. They say I must be protected - I'm very special!"
  Qwyn doesn't appear to have parents exactly, rather people they call 'their family'. Little is known about them, including their race and appearance. Qwyn has spoken highly of them and believes they care about them, saying, "They want me to be happy". Qwyn also says their family does not harm their friends, only if someone is 'bad' to them.   However, Qwyn does believe they didn't want them to leave and would be looking for them.  
  • Uncle (he/she/they) - Told Qwyn lots of stories about the world beyond La Marais, encouraging them to leave and 'write their own story'.
  • Auntie (she/her) - An apparent seamstress who created Qwyn's body.
  • Granny (Grandmother) (she/her) - Taught them how to Spirit Walk.
  • Ser Collymoddle (she/her) - Only been mentioned, no details given.

The Party

"And they're definitely real? This isn't like, a bit?"
  All friends (except RAIN!!!)  

Physical Appearance

General Appearance

Very smol bean.   Qwyn's appearance is closest to that of a young but mature gnome, however taller than average. Qwyn is gaunt and looks incredibly ill and malnourished, skinny almost to the point of skeletal. Their body is covered in tiny, barely perceptible stitch marks which glow with necromancy under detect magic. As they are stitched together from parts of different races, their features are a mix and match (e.g. one human and one elven ear).   They have a pale sickly, yellowish complexion and their skin colour is not the same across their body. Qwyn has shoulder-length hazel hair, which is very frizzy and wiry, almost straw-like.   Qwyn's eyes are black with bright, glowing white (almost silver) irises. They seem to glow as a result of their innate magic detection vision, but the brightness also varies depending on their emotional state. Their eyes seem too big for their face, and when they are extra excited they seem to bulge and almost pop out of their sockets. Their cheeks are sunken and their facial features are bony.  

Apparel & Accessories

  • Qwyn is dressed in dark purple robes that look very intricate and elaborately designed and embellished. They have a side cape and swag flip flops.
  • They have an ornate tome strapped to their hip that they enjoy drawing in, treating similarly to a scrapbook or journal.
  • They also hold a staff made of bone that towers above them, decorated with leather and woven straps and animal (?) teeth. It appears to be their magic focus.
  • Qwyn wears a tall, wide-brimmed hat, one which seems much too comically big for them. They have never known a time where they weren't wearing the hat and have never taken it off, being told by their family never to remove it to give it to someone else. Under detect magic, it glows with powerful abjuration and necromancy, however no magical effects showed up with an Identify spell. During the mushroom dragon fight, it protected Qwyn with a magical bubble around them, simultaneously sending a tendril of black energy at Rain, giving her a near death experince. Qwyn hasn't seen it do that before. It's Probably Fine.
  • Qwyn found a silvery, ethereal gem in The Glittering Chambers and attached it to their staff. It is unsettling to everyone else and has voices coming from it. It's Probably Fine. Its abilities haven't been revealed to the party, but it is a reskinned Shadowfell Shard Tattoo.
  • In the Glittering Chambers, they also found Lanterns of Here and There, a matched pair of lanterns that can create a pair of linked portals.

Mental Characteristics

Knowledge (or lack thereof)

"They are SO naive. I don't think you could fake this level of lack of understanding"
Qwyn's understanding of the world is extremely limited (as is their vocabulary). Many obvious concepts are alien to them - such as time and direction. While they have quite powerful magical abilities, they have little to no knowledge about how magic works. They also fail to understand object permanance.  


None whatsoever - cannot read or write, or count past 10 (they can count to ten using fingers - anything above that is 'lots').   Has enjoyed learning new words, however. Eviscerate, dreabig, gribbly, as well as swear words taught by Oksana.

Mental Trauma

"I didn't ask to be made like this. Should I blame my family?"
    Their entire creation and existence is a huge source of trauma - luckily (?) they lack the intelligence required for them to understand how fucked up it all is. For now....  

Intellectual Characteristics


Shadow & Corruption

Under Goldriver's shadow sight ability, Qwyn's shadow was revealed to be a patchwork of 30-40 shadow fragments stitched together with necromantic magic (same as the stitches across their body). Many colours swirl chaotically through the shadow. There is a small thread of corruption running through.


  • Adept magic user - however they say they never had to learn it, they could just do it (though they got some spells from their family)
  • Innate magic-detection sight
  • Able to summon a creepy 'Shadowfriend' spirit to aid them in battle
  • Can Spirit Walk where they partially shift to the 'spirit world', vanishing/turning invisible in the material world. They have used this spell to travel to the 'afterlife' after characters have died.
  • Does not need to eat, drink or breathe
  • Does not need to sleep - simply go into an inactive state for 4 hours, during which time they draw, hum to themselves etc.
  • Has visions while they are awake, possibly from the previous lives that make up their body/shadow. Granny compared it to dreaming.

Motivations & Goals

  • Find and touch purple grass (achieved)
  • Learn everything there is to learn
  • See everything there is to see
  • Touch everything there is to touch (they love touching things)


  "Where is the forest? It's all gone. I don't understand what this is here. The forest kind of stopped. I thought everything was forest?"   "(I am) many friends in one friend" / "Megafriend!"  


‘When the moment comes that the world becomes shrouded in shadows the chosen one will bind them to their will and bring forth a reckoning of death.’   Probably Fine.




Towards Qwyn




Towards Maximilien


Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Exploring the world! Seeing everything there is to see! Learning everything there is to learn!
Current Location
9 months
Date of Birth
5th Building 392
Circumstances of Birth
created and 'raised' by necromancy
3'6" (not including their hat)
30 lbs
Known Languages
Sylvan and Elvish


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