Session 104 - Legend Lore - Midresthor's Fang/Oksana visions Report in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Session 104 - Legend Lore - Midresthor's Fang/Oksana visions

General Summary

Vanya casts Legend Lore on Midresthor's Fang 

  DM: Vanya. You sit amongst the wildflowers, rain pouring all around you. A slight steam begins to rise as it strikes your scales. There is a peace in Coventree, the Hallow spell doing a fine job of bringing that calmness, that sense of 'nothing here can hurt you'. You take a deep breath, cast your spell.   The rest of you see the tattoos on Vanya's arms slowly become visible - Tattoos or scars? The marking either way - as peeling away from her are tendrils of ink dark smoke. It rises above her like smoke from a campfire and begins to pool in a cloud above her head. Slowly, you begin to discern shapes twisting in the smoke. There's a glint of yellow and red. There's a blaze of fire that seems to burst through and a shape serpentine, winged. An enormous dragon seems to send shockwaves through the cloud.   Rain glows like liquid fire. As it rushes, contained, but almost not, by the smoke. The dragon fades away and is replaced by a strange sight. A circle, perfect circle. The smoke seems to swirl and the line bisects the circle, a curve, it's not a straight line, like two teardrops nestled up against each other. They snap, the circle breaking, each half tumbling away.   The cloud of smoke rumbles as something changes. One of the halves of the circle, this teardrop shape, slowly fills the entire cloud as it seems to almost get closer to you onlookers. Suddenly, it's not a half disk as was, It has taken the shape of an axe. The axe that Aisling wields. Set upon it are five brilliant spots of light, one red, one blue, one dark brown, one green and one white.   The axe seems to spin and you all feel a surge of heat as the form of the axe flickers. It's not an axe, but a dragon. Not a dragon, but half a broken disc. It's not half a broken disc, it's an axe with five gleaming points of light. The axe tumbles, you feel it falling, shadow overtakes it. One by one, four of the lights begin to wink out till only the red remains.   The blue light flies up, away, gone in the darkness. The green light diagonally left and down, disappearing out of the cloud. The bronze light directly downwards, vanishing. And the white light seems to prickle. Roll. First left, then down, then up, then right. Staying just within the cloud before vanishing. The axe has gone. Darkness all that remains, a single pinprick of red that blinks out.   The cloud of smoke clears.      

Oksana's Visions

  Past: who did Awarth betray?   DM: You see a forest of emerald in every direction directly below you, a glittering silver web of reflective metal built into the canopy of the trees, that seems to spread suddenly from just beneath you to rush out, extending across the entire forest.   Oksana: Is it Cuithger? I can get closer.   DM: You certainly presume so.   Oksana: I'm going to follow the direction.   DM: It's expanding and it's expanding in every direction   Oksana: I go west.   DM: You head west. You seem to blur, stepping forward. Not quite at the rate that the metal is expanding, but the world around you seems to shift.   Beneath you is a familiar looking palace. Dendomiel. [NB. It looks whole, undamaged]   You go inside. You see no one, but the layout is familiar to you. At the edges of your hearing there seem to be voices whispering here and there, a laugh, a clapping of hand on shoulder. But there are no people to be seen.   Oksana: I try to looks like a war room. Any collection of people?   DM: There's no people.   Oksana: Okay. What is there in the palace - furniture? There you see sort of memories of furniture, the sofas that you recall, the pillars holding up the building. Upstairs, more small tables and comfortable seating. It's as if it's the memory that you have filling in the gaps.   Oksana: It's like in dreams, you see locations you've been to before. If I look through the whole palace, there's no one here, I'm just sort of overhearing it from a distance. I'll try and listen closer.   DM: You don't make out specifics.   Oksana: I'm not sure what to do. I'll go back out, I guess. I'll go north towards Coraar 'ath Revaar, I guess.   DM: You head north from Dendomiel and see the edge of the forest, silvery metal coating the tops of the trees and seeping away into the ground beyond. The world seems to shift again and beneath you you see buildings, sparse and scattered. There are large gardens that seem to hang on metal nets between the trees, plants blooming. You can smell them from high above. In the centre there is a large clearing with two enormous trees growing up. Their trunks seem to be split at the base into two perfect circles facing each other.   Oksana: I will try to speak to these trees.   DM: There is no response.   Oksana: Okay, I'll go east. Keep exploring.   DM: You go east. The metal covered trees spread ahead of you and then you awaken.     Present: who are the current conduits of the Aboleth in the lake?   DM: Darkness. You are underwater.   Oksana: Is there any source of light?   DM: No.   Oksana: I swim down.   DM: There's no way of truly discerning direction. It is disorienting and you pick what you hope is down and swim. Your hand brushes stone.   Oksana: Okay. Is it smooth stone?   DM: Rough.   Oksana: Okay, I'll try and feel around the cracks.   DM: You feel around and there is a small divot in the stone. Feels almost like a hole has been bored in there.   Oksana: Stick my hand in.   DM: There's certainly not room for a whole hand without working it through your fingers first. But you can do so. You can try and enlarge it.   Oksana: Can I wildshape into like a little fish. Try and get through.   DM: You become a small fish and swim through. immediately there is no light, but the world is monochrome. Greys and black and whites.   Ahead of you a young woman plays on village green, sitting in her grandmother's lap, dancing and laughing all around.   Oksana: Do I recognize them?   DM: Make a History check. [...] No. Young girl playing with her grandmother.   Oksana: Okay, I'll try and get their attention.   DM: The vision ends.     Future: when is the next triple full moon?   DM: The white moon, full in the sky above you, seems to slowly dance a path across the sky, disappearing behind the mountains before rising again a little less full.   It speeds up swinging round and round until the 11th time where it is gone from darkness to the new moon, slowly waxing once again. After 20 revolutions, it is back to full. It does not rise after it falls below the mountains a 20th time.   The vision ends.
Report Date
12 Feb 2024


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