Session Report: Dragon's Demand

General Summary

Heading back from Wave Echo Cave, Dymera asked Greta if she is any good at baking. Greta explained that, whilst she is compotent, it is not one of her most notable skills. Elarnya explained that the "fake Greta" used to make amazing muffins. Upon their return to Phandalin, despite other members of the party expressing a desire to be subtle about Greta's apparent return to life, Elarnya proudly announced that Greta was "back" to all who could hear, initially Sildar Halwinter and Sister Roland, who were understandably rather shocked.   Halwinter accompanied the Hat Gang and their companions as they entered the Stonehill Inn, which was currently being tended to by Thistle, with Frida as it's only patron. Both women were also shocked to see Greta alive, with Frida dropping her mug of ale. The Rockseeker Brothers thanked the party, and took Greta to sit with the old woman, leaving them alone with Sildar, who thanked the party fr not only securing the Forge of Spells, but also for bringing Greta home, although he did express som dissapointment that the party had killed the Black Spider rather than bring him to justice. He also implied that he may know of somebody able to fix the Forge of Spells.   Boston and Dymera excused themselves from the rest of the group and, at the former's request, went to visit Halia Thornton, something which Jensen would definately have dissaproved of, had he known. They pair relayed the information they had learned from the mine with Thornton, including the fact that the Black Spider was cosidering allying himself with her. She seemed somewhat unenthusiastic about the idea, but lamented that, with Nezznar's death, it would be difficult to learn any additional information about the network.   As Dymera headed back and joined the rest of the party, Boston visited the site of Greta's grave, wondering who's body had been buried there, and remembering the times he had spent with "Greta". Although she hadn't actually died, those times were most likely over.   Boston returned to the Inn just in time to see Thokk Verantor threaten Dymera as she tried to steal his drink. In an attempt to cheer the fighter up, Dymera challenges Boston to a drinking contest, ordering twenty pints of the inn's srongest spirit. After five glasses, both participents remarkably managed to hold themselves together, but Boston was on the floor by the time Dymera had finished the next five. Elarnya helped him up and took him to bed upstairs, Thistle had decided not to charge the party for thair room as thanks for their service to the town.   The rest of the party rested into the evening, Jensen spending this time learning new spells. After this time, Thokk was addamant that the party return to their pursuit of the Anchorites of Talos as, in helping the Hat Gang to secure Wave Echo Cave, he had fulfilled his half of the deal. The party agreed and Elarnya accompanied him to Barthen's Provisions to purchase ammunition, the elf wasting no time informing Barthen of Greta's return.   Meanwhile, Boston spotted Gundren and Nundro speaking to Sister Roland in the town square and approached them, they were arranging a funeral for their brother. As this was happening, Boston noticed a shadow looming overhead. He warned jensen, and the two looked to the sky to see Cryovain descending from above. The white dragon expressed anger towards the party, as they had not respected the deal they had made with him by failing to kill "the drow," and called the deal off, producing Harbin Wester's still frozen head from a pouch strapped to his midsection.   Hearing the comotion, Dymera rushed outside and attempted to negotiate with the dragon, at around the same time that Elarnya and Thokk left the general store. Dymera claimed that, although the Anchorites pose no significant threat to Cryovain, their activities in the region would negatively effect him in the long term. A ludicrous claim, the dim-witted dragon nevertheless fell for the trick. Cryovain left the party alive, on the condition that they quell the Anchorite threat.   With the immediate threat gone, Halia Thornton emerged and, with Wester confirmed to be deceased, insisted she be formally installed as townmaster of Phandalin, as she could then focus on providing security for the lost mine. Sildar begrudgingly agreed, and commited to completing the ceremony the next day. The Hat Gang then set about achieving their new primary objective, finding the laeder of the Anchorites of Talos. Thokk suggested they start their search at the Circle of Thunder, where the party began to travel.
"The deal is off!"
— Cryovain
In-Game Date
17th of Hammer 1492 DR
Report Date
26 Jan 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
"Touch this drink and I'll cut off your hands."
— Thokk, to Dymera
Frida was shocked to see Greta alive.
"Oh, a new soup bowl!"
— Dymera, whilst holding Harbin Wester's severed head
With Harbin Wester dead, Halia wasted no time in laying claim to Phandalin.