Sildar Halwinter

Stingblade Sildar Halwinter

"I'll take care of any official government business, even though I don't live here, this isn't my job, and I'm not getting paid."
Sildar Halwinter is a member of the Lord's Alliance who was hired as a warrior escort by Gundren Rockseeker shortly before the two were ambushed and captured by goblins. Sildar was rescued by the Hat Gang, who brought him back to Phandalin, where he now helps maintain order within the settlement and plans to run for the position of townmaster. Halwinter is currently based at the Stonehill Inn, watching over former Lord's Alliance member Iarno "Glasstaff" Albrek.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In late 1491 DR, Sildar was hired to escort Gundren Rockseeker but the dou was ambushed by Cragmaw goblins whilst travelling on horseback via the Triboar Trail. Gundren was taken to Cragmaw Castle whilst Sildar was kept at the Cragmaw Hideout, where the Hat Gang rescued him from. After drfeating Klarg, the party brought the wounded Sildar Halwinter back to Phandalin. Halwinter told the party about the Rockseeker Brothers' plan to uncover the The Lost Mine of Phandelver, and that the goblins had also stolen Gundren's map to the elusive Wave Echo Cave, where the lost mine is said to be located. Halwinter also asked if the party could help him locate Iarno Albrek, a fellow member of the Lord's Alliance, who was last seen in the local area but had since gone missing.   The party discovered that Albrek had betrayed the lord's Alliance and had seized control of the Redbrands under the orders of a mysterious figure known as the Black Spider.   Sildar later came to stay at the Townmaster's Hall, as Townmaster Harbin Wester was refusing to leave his home, and he now spends most of his time here, filling in where he can for the townmaster. On the 16th of Nightall, Sildar began publicly running for townmaster himself and has asked the Hat Gang to aid him by handing out flyers.   When Dymera sold a large gold bell to Halia Thornton, she was told about sildar's history as a member of an army, where he was accused of leaving his men for dead. Later, Sildar wrote to the Hat Gang, informing them of his suspicions about how Wester uses the town's funds, and asking them to investigate his brother's house for evidence.   The party next spoke to Sildar on their way to speek to Iarno Albrek in the town's cells. When he initially refused to let her through, Dymera threatened Halwinter with the information Halia gave her, forcing him to let her see the prisoner with the rest of the party. He worked with the Hat Gang to relocate Iarno to the Stonehill Inn under the false name "Ribit Baghood" to protect him from the Black Spider.

Gender Identity


A member of the Lord's Alliance who was hired as a warrior escort by Gundren Rockseeker shortly before the two were ambushed and captured by goblins. Halwinter became an ally of the Hat Gang after they rescued him.

Character Location
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Current Location
Black, going grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages

Cover image: Sildar Halwinter by Hero Forge
Character Portrait image: by Hero Forge