Lashela (/ˌlæˈʃeɪ.lɑː/ la-SHEY-lah)

Lashela, the Shadow Mage

Lashela was a Red Wizard who answered to Umorth at Mountain's Toe. A wizard of lesser power, Umorth saw potential in her and gave her ample space and recources to experiment with her shadow magic.   The young wizard initially fought the Hat Gang twice and was bested in her second encounter but was spared by Thokk. After she fled the mine she made an alliance with the Cragmaw Goblins and The Black Spider's forces at Cragmaw Castle, where she would finally meet her demise.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Younger than most other Red Wizards, Lashela's pale head was mostly shaven. Her remaining, hair black as the shadows that flowed around her, she wore in a long ponytail. Typical of a Thayan wizard, black tattoos covered her face and the sides of her head.

Special abilities

Skilled in illusion magic, Lashela manipulated darkness and light, her shadows so thick that not even magical light could illuminate the areas where they fell. Lashela also dabbled in other areas of illusion magic, she was able to create illusory creatures and even mimic the heat of a fire.   Lashela also seemed to be a proficient potion brewer, as several potions were found in her quarters.

Apparel & Accessories

Lashela forwent the typical red robes of the Thayan wizard, opting instead for black robes with red accents, adorned with pewter, she also wore a thick belt made from brass and a pair of heeled boots which matched her robes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mountain's Toe

  Lashela came to Mountain's Toe with Umorth and the other Red Wizards. Lashela had her own quarters, a network of coridoors bathed either in unatural light or complete darkness, at the end of which was her study, where she brewed potions. The entrance to these quarter was blocked by a deadly magical key puzzle. Several keys floated midair, if the wrong key was picked, an invisible guardian would begin to attack the trespasers.   When the Hat Gang began their assault on the Red Wizard's hideout, Lashela was the first wizard they faced. Upon finding her in her quarters, Dymera tried to charm her, although this at first proved sucessful, she couldn't convince the shadow mage to let the party leave alive. Lashela escaped the first encounter on an shadowy steed, but would fight the party again later.   After the party had rested in the abandoned quarters, they awoke to find the hallway of fire, though upon close examination the fire was revealed to be illusory. When the party made their way through the fire, Lashela became aggravated and started to berrate them. Her displacement magic failed to prevent Thokk's shatter attack, and she was subjected to a flurry of blows from the cleric, but was spared when she began to beg for her life, on the condition that she never hastle the party or their allies ever agian.

Royal Rumble

  Lashela did not make good on her promise as she allied herself with King Groll at Cragmaw Castle. She, alongside Yeemick and his manticore, attacked the party in the castle's subterranean arena as the king watched on. She escaped the arena once it became clear she would not win this fight, but was encountered again by the adventurers within the halls of the castle. Ultimately, Thokk finished what he had started at Mountain's Toe, and the half-orc greatly enjoyed obliterating the shadow mage.
Current Status
Date of Death
7th of Hammer 1491
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Thokk Verantor.
Place of Death
Cragmaw Castle
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, Tattooed
Aligned Organization
Lashela's Illusory Mount
Lashela's Illusory Mount

Cover image: Primordial Mist by Titus Lunter