
Nezzin, The Entomancer

The Entomancer is a Red Wizard who once served Umorth at the Mountain's Toe Gold Mine, although he himself hoped to one day lead in the necromancer's place. A wizard of some power, the entomancer specialised in magic that controlled and manifested insects, hence his title.   After the Hat Gang infiltrated the gold mine, the entoomancer was sent by Umorth to dispose of the wererats, who had failed to guard the wizards' secret lair, although a number of them, including their leader, Zeleen, escaped. He then attempted to defeat the hat gang in combat, but was ultimately defeated by Boston Bornes as he tried to flee.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The entomancer's skin was pale, and though his head was shaven, his eyebrows were brown. His eyes were green and his face was prited with traditional thayan tattoos.

Special abilities

As his title suggests, the entomancer has great power over insects. He can summon swarms of bugs to attack his foes, or use them to cast other, more traditional spells, such as fireball. He can also magically switch places with a swarm he had summoned, even if the swarm is in a diferent room.   The insects he summons can be quite deadly, such as the scarabs that burrowed their way into Boston Bornes's skin.

Apparel & Accessories

The entomancer stands out from the other Red Wizards, wearing light armour in lieu of the typical thayan robes, though he still wore the typical red, black, and gold colours.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The entomancer resided within Mountain's Toe along with the other Red Wizards.   Whilst the Hat gang rested in the abandoned study, the entomancer was sent to kill the wererats for allowing the party into the wizards' lair. A small group of wererats led by Zeleen managed to escape, but the rest were slaughtered.   The adventurers confronted him after they had killed Umorth, initially encountering a swarm of scarabs the he had summoned, and soon after the wizard himself. He put up a good fight, nearly downing several of the adventurers, but eventually the tables turned on him and as he tried to escape he was knocked unconcious by Boston.
Current Status
Alive, Prisoner of the Hat Gang
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, Tattooed
Aligned Organization
Scute Mob by Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai

Cover image: Swarmyard by Thomas Baxa