Zeleen (zɛliːn vɑːrnæstɛr)

Zeleen Varnaster, (Cute)

Zeleen is the leader of the wererat pack residing in the abandoned Mountain's Toe Gold Mine.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In her human form, Zeleen looks like a pale wolan in her late twenties with pink eyes, her hair is sandy brown with a black streak. She has prominent front teeth, a trait shared with all her forms, and she has been described as "cute (in a ratty sort of way)."   In her rat-hybrid form, she has black, patchy hair and her eyes, similar to her human form, are redish-pink. Her skin is pinker than in her human form, she is much thinner, and she has a long rat tail.   As for clothes, Zeleen's seem dirty and frayed, and consist of a pair of leather boots with matching trousers, a ragged green jacket, and a rogue's hood.

Special abilities

Like all wererats, Zeleen can transform into either a rat-human hybrid, back into a human, or, presumably, a giant rat. She has a resistance to nonmagical weapons, but is weak to silver.   Zeleen also appears to have an affinity with other, mundane rats, such as {screaming noises} or the tamed giant rats that guard Mountain's Toe.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zeleen and her wererat pack moved into the abandoned Mountain's Toe Gold Mine earlyer in the year 1491, after it was cleared out by Orc raiders.   Some time later, a group of Red Wizards made their home within the deeper parts of the mine, forcing the wererats to act as protection.   The Hat Gang arrived at the mine after their friend, Greta, was attacked and robbed by a creature identified as a wererat, hoping to find the culprit. Even after being threatened with silvered weapons, Zeleen and her fellow wererats were isnsitent that none of the mine residents would have any reason to travel to Phandalin, let alone steal from one of it's residents.   Despite this rough start, the wererats in the mine formed a sort of alliance with the adventuring party, who promised to protect them from the wizards. Zeleen bonded with Dymera in particular, the two briefly flirted and the wererat helped work towards taming {screaming noises}.

Gender Identity

Current Status
Current Residence
Mountain's Toe
Brown with a Black Streak (Human Form), Black (Rat and Hybrid Forms)

Character Portrait image: Zeleen Varnaster by Hero Forge