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The Wychwode (Wyt-sh-wood)

Few places feel more ancient than the heart of the Wychwode: a place of overgrown ruins, of enormous trees, and still unexplored after millenia. There's namely a strange arcane phenomena that occurs in the woods, where the material plane melds together with the layers of the Feywild, meaning that the inside of the forest is never the same, but everchanging.   The outside parts of the woods, on the other hand, aren't subject to the same mystical phenomena and has served as the source of lumber for Ghearas ever since Rapture. Around the areas used for lumber lives most of the Firbolg, Wood Elves, and Wood Gnomes of Ghearas, as it is the most like the areas they prefer to live in, and probably lived in prior to Rapture.


The outer edges of the Wychwode are rather sparse in terms of trees, and is where the lumber mills of Ghearas and the Wychkeeper Holds are. As one gets further in towards the center, it appears as if the ground slopes downwards (despite this not being observable from the outside), and the trees get larger and grow denser and denser together. So far, no one has reached the center or "bottom" of the forest, but increasingly further in the terrain becomes dominated by moss, rock formations, and pine rather than leaf forest.


There is a surprisingly rich ecosystem in the Wychwode, considering that the forest is completely surrounded by walls; something less surprising once one considers that the forests inside seems almost endless.   The ecosystem consists of a rather typical pine/leaf mixed forest, from smaller critters like rabbits and forest mice, to larger herbivores like deer and forest bison, and the carnivores hunting those animals, from foxes and owls up to bears and wolves.   This multitude extends to the vegitation, as there's a rich plant life of trees, berries of different kinds, mushrooms (not technically plants but let's ignore that), mosses, etc.
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