Monare Hejiq (M'NARR Heh-JEEK)

(a.k.a. The Bloodbloom)

Monare was the younger sister of Vasaeon Hejiq and a prominent warlock in her own right among the Violet Accord. She assisted her brother with the esoteric experiments in 969AC that would lead to the summoning of Xa'aroch and ultimately the rest of the Azgorach Horde.   Although his junior, Monare was more worldly than Vasaeon and often took it upon herself to look after his best interests when he was too wrapped up in his work. Many have speculated that were she not preoccupied thus, she could have surpassed him and many of their peers.   She was killed in 987AC in a failed prisoner exchange between the Accord and the Pact of the Blessèd that took place on the Ashspoken Bridge (then the Gracewoven Bridge). This event sparked the Charge of the Martyrs.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Considered very beautiful; matched with her profession, she garnered the nickname 'the Bloodbloom'.   It is a little-known fact that she was pregnant when she died, and even less known that she was carrying both a human child and a demonic. The Pact went to great lengths to keep this from public knowledge to avoid the ethical entanglements of mistreating -- and potentially executing -- a pregnant woman.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Death
987 AC
Circumstances of Death
Failed wartime prisoner exchange
Place of Death
Ashspoken Bridge, Unenshuut
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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