Vasaeon Hejiq (Vass-SAY-on Heh-JEEK)

High Grace, Meitibat

Vasaeon was a prominent warlock of the later-stage Violet Accord, and most notably responsible for leading the pre-war esoteric experiments in Kastis that ultimately led to the summoning of Xa'aroch in 969AC and the rest of the Azgorach Horde soon thereafter.   Although he was not known as the most infamous warlock in terms of ability or power, even those who reviled warlocks admitted to his great intellect, creativity, and insightfulness. He was generally regarded as their spearhead and thus given the honorary title of High Grace.   Given that he was one of the only ranking 'officers' of the Accord (as a Meitibat) left alive after its Titans and Ouni Kujan were killed, Vasaeon was one of the signatories of the Inebi Treaty and Inebi Armistice. Despite its necessity and his reluctance being known, this reputedly pronounced a particular rift between him and Grien Laughingmeadow.
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