The city-state of Dunekeep was settled by the Shipdown Pirates approximately 500 years before the Astorian Ascension.
The primary events and happenings of the the continent of Cetan as comprised by Chief Archivist Everstream of the College of Touden.
The time before the events of the Astorian Ascension.
The city-state of Dunekeep was settled by the Shipdown Pirates approximately 500 years before the Astorian Ascension.
The present day era, after the Astorian Acolytes first gained freedom in the Argent Coast and began proselytizing in other lands. Coincides with the founding of the city state of Argent.
Incensed with the growing discord along the western shore, the state of Argent, at the behest of Hierophant Elsenn Augor, mounted their first Divine March, seeking to obliterate the debauchery and crime that had taken root along the Marbled Bay. The campaign lasted for almost two years, but the disparate forces of western Cetan were ultimately able to repel the forces of the Silver Citadel.
At the behest of Heirophant Hesterin Jaston, Argent attempted a secret, Second Divine March to wipe out their neighbors of Dunekeep. This war was a shocking period of austerity and plague in the state of Dunekeep, and solidified and galvanized the Duner people as a united coalition.
The Third Divine Argent March began after the assassination of Heirophant Charendra Kaseen, one of the most beloved Heirophants of the Argent state. Her death was blamed on assassins from Dunekeep. The tenuous peace between the two states erupted into open and cataclysmic warfare.
The Summit at the Shrine was a conclave brought together by Nepos Sealeaf and Pellor Sunlight in an attempt to cease the longstanding violence that had overtaken southern Cetan. At these talks, after several days of negotiating in the wilderness by the Great Lake, the Cetan Concordant was signed and notarized. This event sowed the seeds for a relative, if tense, peace that would last generations.
The Night of Dark-Blood is the common name for the siege of the Dark-Blood compound in the Northern Wilds. A coalition of united forces from throughout the Wilds banded together to end the Dark-Blood's supremacy of the area. Though the fighting was long, and both sides endured heavy casualties, the Dark-Bloods were ultimately eradicated.
One late night, having found out that the guards would be rotating that evening, and with the assistance of equipment found throughout the Grotto, the imprisoned gladiators of Greger's Grotto broke free, slaughtering most of the guards and most of the Greger family.