Tek of the Skullbrood Clan

Mental characteristics

Personal history

From a young age he was known as a kind man. A giant among goblins, all things considered, taller than most of the men in the clan. After having passed his trial into manhood, he took down a massive boar that had fed the family for weeks. Conveniently it was also rooting through the majority of the clan's wild herb patches as well, so the beast going down was nothing but a benefit.
He had earned some notoriety among the raiders for never prefering to fight at all. Avoiding it at all costs if he could, talking his Raid Leader out of hostile engagements was his forte. Prefering to raid in the dead of night, giving Ghet the penchant for doing so as well.
When he needed to fight, he fought with a shield. A heavy oaken monstrosity, burned and charred. Having been used in countless fights, its heavy iron ring around it, nicked and battle scarred. The mottled face weather worn and gray with time. His style of fighting was to block, evade, and defend. Never on the attack, always at odds with his fellow raiders, though they appreciated his impenetrable wall. Knocking opponents out with the shield, or outright flinging them into submission as they sailed through the air.
He had met his wife Ysry when two raiding parties had joined in on a joint venture to take down very large caravan of spice merchants heading from Port De Renard to the Isle of Mhuzelt. WHile the raid had gone well, he and Ysry had been injured.
While under the care of Mother Kari, the long time spent together had blossomed into a friendship that later developed into love. Ysry eventually requesting the Chief at the time to be moved into Tek's raiding party. The Chief amused at her red face and the obvious reasons why, allowed it. Thus Both Ysry and Tek become part of Ghet's raiding crew.
They were married not soon after, the celebration having been particularly boisterous, spilling out into the surrounding human settlements. While the reasons weren't known, the rumor that some Fae king and queen being wed by morning had made its rounds. A local legend has sprung up around it, from the drunken lips of farmers to local myth.
While times were good, it wasn't without its difficulties. The two struggled to conceive a child for years, many of Ysry's pregnancies failing at one point or another. Kari, having paid special attention to the couple and their problems, offered advice and herbs time and time again. Though the joy they felt at having their first child was immense.
In the year 1207, their daughter was born. Ilgor was a true celebration for both the couple and the Clan. A prouder father he could not have been, seeing his wife's face staring back up to him. A beautiful woman she would become, she had his eyes, is the only lasting contribution to her as a whole.
He ended up becoming a doting Father, always at his daughter's side. Playing with her, helping Ysry teach her to speak, reading her to sleep. He was happy, content at his place in life. Though as things go, life is rarely ever kind. As the highs come, so must the lows.
Some years after Ilgor was born, another member of their raiding crew was killed by the City of Glaion's watch. Talik had started a fight that would end up spelling the end of many of the lives of raiders.
In the year 1213, both he and his wife died in a raid with the City Watch. They were expecting the usual watch, the drunken, half awake guardians they were used to dealing with. What they were not expecting was a fully alert, fully prepared military Garrison. Ghet had been the only survivor of this encounter, leaving half a dozen children without parents, and half a dozen more with only one.
Ilgor had grown up knowing about them, but never really remembering much beyond them. Only that there was always a nice man playing and reading to her. A hazy image in her mind, a kind smile in an otherwise ruthless world.


Tek of the Skullbrood Clan


Towards Ysry of the Skullbrood Clan


Ysry of the Skullbrood Clan


Towards Tek of the Skullbrood Clan


"My love for is still burning a hole through my soul"
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
1182 1213
Place of Death
On the outskirts of the skullbrood village in a raid led by Ghet of the Skullbrood Clan
Rich dark purple, nearly the same color as the night sky
Medium, lacking the braid worn by his people
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark green, with white freckles across his chest


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