Ysry of the Skullbrood Clan

Ysry of the Skullbrood Clan

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ysry was a tenacious child, endlessly curious, and a tad bit bullheaded. During her own trial the raiders were dispatched to hunt her down and bring her back. Though through bad timing and a bit of good luck, he had returned to the village on her own just after the raiders had left. The Chief had a good laugh at the kill she had brought back.
She had in tow with her a string of squirrels. Each one tied to the next, little crossbow still in hand while she swaggered back into the clan. She was quickly brought into the fold of the raiders and was fond of sitting back and letting the more stalwart fighters handle the one on one melees. Picking off stragglers as needed with the crossbow.
She was never one for direct confrontation, prefering to deal with things at odd angles and finding alternative solutions to classic problems. However, sometimes this would go awry as in the case of a joint operation between two raiding parties to take down a spice merchant and his massive caravan. A group of Mercs had flanked her position as well as another raider named Tek.
The giant blocked the first strike from the Mercs and knocked the first one out, shielding Ysry from another strike. Just enough time for her to put a bolt through the second Merc. The third however slipped past Tek's shield and landed a hit on her shoulder, opening a deep gash. He was barely able to swing his shield into the third human's neck, but not before being hamstrung.
And thus, this giant that fought with a shield hand landed both of them in the care of Mother Kari. She didn't resent him for it, in fact that fight with the shield sparked a certain interest from her. As she got closer to him, she learned more about his gentler nature.
Overtime she grew closer and closer to Tek, opening up to him in a fast forming friendship that quickly blossomed into a love she would cherish for the rest of her life. Even in the end, she still remembered that quick kiss she gave him on the rock out in the bay. Shy and apprehensive, curious to see if he would reject her or not.
However, her story would continue, Tek her new husband. She vividly remembered grabbing Kari by the hand and dragging her and Tek over to the Chief. Demanding a wedding ceremony from them all as she looked at her blushing soon to be husband. A good laugh being had at his expense, the wedding was particularly boisterous. Spawning a fae legend from the lips of drunken farmers, the scale of their celebration having spilled beyond the borders of the village.
While she loved Tek, she had her own issues. Kari had told her over the course of a few miscarriages, as she and Tek tried for years to have a child, that she would need to stop joining the raids during the entirety of her pregnancy. The effort involved left her body tired, apparently her womb being particularly fragile despite her frame and aptitude for the tasks given to her.
She obeyed the Mother's orders, much to the dismay of Ghet. Who had come to rely on her sharpshooter skills, though was overjoyed to see a new child come into the world. Though no one was happier than Tek, who doted on their daughter Ilgor. She had chosen the name more out of spite, an ambiguous name that didn't follow the conventional naming of the clan for girls. Against the grain, as she had always been.
She knew her daughter's name would be colloquialized. But, the joy she left at Ilgor clinging to her was something she wouldn't trade for the world. The surprisingly strong curl of her hand around her finger, the way she fell asleep almost instantly in her arms. The little toddler's first words being mama, and papa, a self satisfied grin on the child's face. Well, it split Ysrys face in two to recount raising her child.
The clan was more than happy to step in when the two needed a break, calling Kari Grandma, Ghet uncle, everyone else being brother and sister. It was a quiet life with Tek, and she was happy and content. Wanting for nothing more than to curl up with her husband, her daughter between them, asleep safe and sound.
Though life is cruel, as things go. As the highs come, so must the lows.
Some years after Ilgor was born, another member of their raiding crew was killed by the City of Glaion's watch. Talik had started a fight that would end up spelling the end of many of the lives of raiders.
In the year 1213, both she and her husband died in a raid with the City Watch. They were expecting the usual watch, the drunken, half awake guardians they were used to dealing with. What they were not expecting was a fully alert, fully prepared military Garrison. Ghet had been the only survivor of this encounter, leaving half a dozen children without parents, and half a dozen more with only one.
Ilgor had grown up knowing about them, but never really remembering much beyond them. Only that there was always a kind woman reading to her or her arms wrapped around her. A hazy image in her mind, a kind smile in an otherwise ruthless world.


Tek of the Skullbrood Clan


Towards Ysry of the Skullbrood Clan


Ysry of the Skullbrood Clan


Towards Tek of the Skullbrood Clan


Other Ethnicities/Cultures
1183 1213
Circumstances of Death
On the outskirts of the skullbrood village in a raid led by Ghet of the Skullbrood Clan
Light green, orange rimmed Irises
Long, Auburn hair slightly red and green at the roots
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark green Skin, of a smooth complexation


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