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Home to the highest point in the known world, it has little other landmass. Clustered around the mountain peaks are Dragonborn and Caprini, as well as a small colony of Humans. The Dragonborn here are split into two main groups. The red, gold, and brass form a small kingdom at lower altitudes, the ruling families of which are housed in the city of Durrak . Flanking the city of Durrak, distinguished only by carefully discussed border lines, is the Human city of Westkeep, an outpost that clings to the side of the mountain that started off small but flourished to the point where it sidled up to Durrak. Each year the leaders of Durrak and Westkeep negotiate where their borders lie in a political dance that lasts many weeks. Higher up in the mountains are the blue and green Dragonborn, a group of farming communities who tend to high altitude crops such as tea - a key export to Taranthia - and livestock such as goats and yaks. With them live the Caprini, who are greatly adapted to life at the high altitude.


The majority of Highspire is made up of mountain passes, crags, and rocky hills. The land is largely inhospitable and deserted at lower altitudes, but as you make your way into the foothills and up into the peaks, conditions allow for farming and large-scale plant life.
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