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As Delemont and Nesita's adult child, Bartos was an early visitor to The Hollow. He shares his mother's interest in complex magic and even aided in the Hollow's creation. His true interest in the Hollow, however, was not in the building of a simulated environment or the connection of disparate people on common ground, but in the storage of information.   Bartos loves books, but in the end he chose to prize the information in them over their physical forms, and as soon as the first iterations of the Hollow become workable, he began to -- painstakingly, one letter at a time -- transfer all of the knowledge in his extensive library into Tablets that could be accessed from within the Hollow. Bartos's collection became the basis for Lukra University's in-Hollow library.   Now Bartos serves as the university's head librarian. While he is still a Wire, he spends a great deal of his time in the Hollow, exiting only to care for his body and to occasionally hunt own a new book or piece of information Outside to add to the library. He has assistants now to do most of the menial work of transferring physical books into Hollow-readable formats -- though some are now published in both -- but he's still the one who curates the collection, deciding which Outside books are worth bringing into the Hollow.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

The spectacles Bartos's avatar wears are technically an affectation; no one is nearsighted in the Hollow. But they do reflect the fact that he wears glasses Outside.


Family Ties

Bartos has a fairly distant relationship with his parents; he has enormous respect for their achievements and enjoys working with them intellectually, but they are not emotionally close. His own reserve and tendency towards aloofness, combined with Delemont's abrasive personality and Nesita's vague disinterest in other people, make any such intimacy unlikely.

Social Aptitude

Bartos does not like other people; he is not interested in their opinions unless they make it to him on the page. The best way to connect with him is to ask for a book recommendation. That's the only time you'll ever hear him express curiosity about you -- so that he knows which tome to match you with.
Current Location
Aligned Organization

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