Creation Story in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Creation Story

Note: The voice recording of this is on Brad's cell phone at 1 hour 20 mins after the start of the recording of Session 10.   Jeriome Fell states to the Kateesh "You know absolutely nothing...."   The story of creation was told first, imperfectly, by Jeriome Fell -- the fallen Dabus, to the Kateesh in Session Report 10: Stories of Creation and Destruction. He may be the only available living source of this information as it may only be known by the Dabus. Other than Fell, no other Dabus would ever defy the wishes of the Lady of Pain and discuss these events. And in this way, if it is true, the Kateesh have learned the origins of the multiverse -- something unknown even by the gods. After doing hours of research and only after knowing the context of Fell's story, Alterro Direclaw has found another source. The following is the more thorough and precise story of creation and destruction as found in "The Void" -- an ancient Dabus-written text. In the story of "The Void", this text is in response to the wandering mind of a Dabus who asks why he should not worship The Lady of Pain as a diety.    

The Creation and Destruction of Everything

  In the beginning there was only one thing. Only one thing exists now. And only one thing will exist at the end of time. Everything is part of the one. That is, AO (In the symbolic speech of the Dabus, the second character of this word is not an O but has serifs on its bottom to show as a capital letter Omega). Sometimes called the Alpha and the Omega. All things are AO. All things always were AO. And all things yet to come are AO. But in the beginning there was only AO. The multiverse as you know it did not exist. And AO had two thoughts -- two ideas. You probably think the two extemes are good and evil. Or maybe you think they are lawful and chaotic. But you are wrong. The two most extremes are "is" and "is not". "Zero" and "One". That's all there is. "To Be" or "Not To Be". "AO should be?" or "AO should not be?". Those were the two questions.   And as he had those thoughts two Powers manifested. One that made "is" and one that made "is not". One that created and one that destroyed. The "is" -- the creator -- was Crea the Creator. And that that is "is not" -- the entity that would destroy all that Crea would make -- was Peredere.   As the opposing thoughts were formed Peredere and Crea danced. There was nothing else. AO was now three and nothing else existed. And Crea and Peredere swirled. And as they danced, everywhere that Crea stepped something was made. And everywhere that Peredere stepped, something was destroyed. And this continued throughout time before there was time. But the dance became more opposed. It got increasingly violent as Crea created and Peredere destroyed.   Inevitably, the dance of concepts turned to a fight for existence. They fought with creation and destruction. With one step Crea created the idea of "smooth" which caused her to slip. As quick as nothing, Peredere was on her. The destruction of all that was created -- the destruction of Crea herself -- was at the hand of oblivion. But with one desperate thought, Crea created a spear in her hand and stabbed Peredere in the side.   That was the first weapon. That was the first blood. That was "the beginning". For when Peredere was stabbed and the Created Weapon met the Flesh of Nothing, Peredere was hurt mightily and his wound expelled four great masses of blood. And from those spurts of blood the Primordials of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water formed. Each set themself firmly in creation forming a circle to keep an eye on their others -- a circle that is now known as the Elemental Inner Planes. And then they too began to fight each other for their existence. Those battles -- the conflicts of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water -- rage still and continue to create the Prime Material Plane Crystal Spheres of Toril, Abeir, "The Universe", Eberron, Ravnica, Theros, Strixhaven, Krynn, and many more.   After seeing she had not destroyed Peredere and that she was still pinned and in danger of being unmade herself, Crea twisted the spear causing two more great globs of blood to be thrown out of Peredere. These formed into the Greatest Wyrms, Tiamat and Bahamut, thereby creating both the opposing concepts of evil versus good and chaos versus law.   Although he was wounded down to the core of the concept of nothing, Peredere could not be destroyed. Afterall, he WAS destruction. And so he redoubled his efforts and was again about to make nul the still pinned Crea by touching his mouth to hers. But Crea conjured 16 sharp knives extruding from her head and from her face. And as she did, Peredere was pierced by 16 holes and 16 bits of his nothingness were punched from his being. Having experienced the material of creation, these 16 holes each became a thing -- the 16 outer planes of the multiverse. Those that formed nearest to Tiamat had high degrees of chaos and evil. But those that formed closer to the infantile Bahamut exhibited good and law.   Crea began to understand that defeating Emptyness was not possible. How do you defeat a thing that is not a thing? How do you destroy destruction? And she realized that, uncontained, Peredere would eventually prove the victor. So Crea commanded her creation to assist her. Tiamat and Bahamut flew in a circle around Peredere and bit each other's tail to create an infinite shape of existence with no gaps through which oblivion could flow. From under the plane of that circle, Crea's spear pierced Peredere to bind him. From each plane of the newly formed and quickly growing outer planes, a chain sprang forth also to bind him from all directions of thought from good to evil and from lawful to chaotic. And the circuitous flight of the Greatest Wyrms provided the energy this new multiverse needed to hold Nothing and to grow.   As the multiverse took cohesion, Bahamut and Tiamat eventually were able to release each other's tail and go on their own paths and to advance their own thoughts-- for a new torus had formed from their flight. The city of Sigil was born. The spear of creation became the infinite spire of the outlands. Sigil rotates about that spire providing the newly created energy of the multiverse which flows down the spire to the outer planes and seeps into the soil of the outlands to the inner planes -- thus fueling that multiverse to create more.   So fear not. Peredere -- Oblivion -- Destruction -- Nothing -- The Void -- has been defeated with the very chains of existence of the multiverse and with the spear of creation forever binding him while Our Serenity, Crea, continues to create everything that will ever be by the spinning of Sigil -- The City of Doors to all of existence.   The Lady of Pain is not a god. The Lady of Pain is Crea. And we the Dabus, are forever her's.     ---------------------------------------   A note to the reader.  Jeroime Fell first told the Kateesh this story not for academic purpose, but for the purpose of context so they could understand the latest Rumors of Recent Actions.


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