Session Report 10: Stories of Creation and Destruction Report in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Session Report 10: Stories of Creation and Destruction

General Summary

Earth Date: 9 Aug 2022
Sigil Date: First Market of Regula, HA138
Sigil Time at the Start of the Session:
Sigil Time at the End of the Session: 5 hours after antipeak on the First Guild of Regula

The session begins with Ett Tiberon and Caine Azarad shopping at the blacksmith shop of Cutlet in the Market Ward.   In order to enter the shop Ett used Thaumaturgy and Cutlet threw and hit Ett with a dagger as a result. This has become a pattern, and even a game, between Ett and Cutlet as time has progressed to future sessions.   Caine purchased two reliable (See Weapon, armor, and shield conditions) boomerangs. Before the day was over other members of the Kateesh also upgraded their weaponry to reliable. At some point Liath Doughn commisioned a reliable shield to be picked up at least 7 days from now.   Back at Kateesh House, the helm desired by Jeriome Fell was identified to be a Helm of Comprehend Languages. The Kateesh considered keeping it rather than giving it to Fell. Plans were hatched, and re-hatched. Glavin was consulted and he pointed out to the characters that the Lady of Pain could not be a god. Gods got their powers from worship and she permits no such activity of her. Instead she holds much more power than any god ever could. He told the characters that the only people that would know more of the history of the Lady or of Sigil would be the Dabus.   The characters rested in Kateesh House successfully without taking damage. After their rest they waffled back and forth, but then finally set off to meet Jeriome Fell at the Clown's Respite and they took the Helm of Comprehend Languages with them unsure if they would return the item to Fell or keep it for themselves.   Upon getting to The Clown's Respite, the Kateesh come face to face again with Sugarplum the fairy. They are uncertain what to think of her now. Alterro Direclaw in particular exercised caution around her. They approached Fell.   After telling Fell of their exploits in the Palace of the Jester and learning more about the Dabus and how they are effectively part of Sigil and can only exist within Sigil, Caine Azarad lost patience with Alterro Direclaw's caginess and told Alterro to give Fell his helm. Alterro did as Caine demanded. Fell gave the characters 600 jinx as reward and also told them he would answer their questions.   Jeriome Fell then explained to the Kateesh what was at stake in their mission. First he told them the facts as he knew them to be of the Creation Story of Crea and Peredere. Then he explained that he only knew the rest from rumor and innuendo since he is no longer a true Dabus. These Rumors of Recent Actions tie directly to the story of many of the players' original characters in Barovia and throughout the Kyuss storyline.   The characters, feeling the weight of what they had just learned, returned to Kateesh house to process where they again were able to rest. They finished the session as level 3 and with a renewed understanding of their mission to save the multiverse. Their intentions at the start of the next session is to track down Lothar the Old -- Master of Bones to get out of Sigil to truly begin their desperate mission.     Previous session report: Session Report 9: Aoskar, Marketplace
Report Date
11 Dec 2022


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