Rumors of Recent Actions in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Rumors of Recent Actions

Jeriome Fell, the fallen Dabus, communicated the following rumors and his interpretation of those rumors to the Kateesh in Session Report 10: Stories of Creation and Destruction. To place these rumors into context Fell first told the Kateesh of the Creation Story   The Rumors as they are understood by Jeriome Fell:   Some Dabus now think that the 16 holes that Crea pierced into Peredere formed 16 so-called Dark Powers at the time of creation. These ideas were so powerful that they caused destruction everywhere in the multiverse that they were conceived. Thousands of years ago an ancient order of knights led by Argynvost the Bold -- an ancient silver dragon that was directly descended from Bahamut -- captured and imprisoned the Dark Powers in amber sarchophagi in a palace in a desolute demiplane of dread in the Shadowfell known as Barovia. Here the knights toiled to keep the Dark Powers imprisoned and therefore isolated from the world. In those sarchophagi, in close proximity to each other, the Dark Powers resonated. Each grew stronger until those ideas became messages just waiting to be spread.   In time, the might of the Order of Argynvost fell to the depressive thoughts of Barovia. The order perished and was no more. Even Argynvost eventually fell into the mists becoming a dragon of shadow himself. The mists of Barovia recently drew 6 heroes. Those heroes fought against their own oppression, but they were often weak. When the heroes came to the Amber Temple, they deigned to increase their power so they could overcome the Lord of that Realm -- a vampire that had himself become corrupted by the Dark Powers imprisioned in his conquered land. His name was Straad Von Zarovich and he was a true terror to his kingdom. So who could blame those heroes for their choices!?!   In order to grow in their powers to overcome Straahd, the heroes broke open the amber sarchophagi of the Amber Temple and released the Dark Powers back into existence. Rumor has it that the Dark Powers became messengers, delivering messages for someone about something to some places that are not yet known. That release of Dark Powers occurred just before Leagueheim of this year, Hashkar 138 in Sigil. As Leagueheim came to a close, just weeks after the release of the messengers from the Amber Temple, the first reviberation of something large hitting something large in an attempt to escape from inside something enormous wracked the multiverse. Something ancient and powerful had awakened. It was at that moment that the doors to Sigil were slammed shut by the Lady of Pain to protect Sigil, the connective thread and power generation for the whole multiverse, from whatever comes.   But was that large thump the only threat? If so, why did ALL the doors close? And how will the people of Sigil survive if the doors are closed. And how will the multiverse get energy if the conduits to the outer planes are cut? Surely the Lady of Pain must have good reason to close tight the doors. Surely, she will do something to stop any threat.   Rumor has it that a Teesh has been drawn. Kateesh.   ______________________________________________     Note to the players: Those that played in my previous campaign that started with the Curse of Straahd and finished with the Kyuss arc know that the characters they played did indeed release the Dark Powers in the sarchophagi of the Amber Temple and were told at that time that this action might have future consequences. They later learned that it is the release of those Dark Powers that reawakened and rejuvenated Kyuss -- The Worm that Walks to attempt to escape from the writhing battery in which he was imprisoned by the ancient gods of nethril thousands of years ago. If the rumors above are true, it was the actions of their previous characters, led by the Raven Queen Rosvaldo Durst, that precipitated these potentially multiverse ending events.   And the last thing those heroes saw upon returning to the Raven Palace after killing the god Kyuss in his prison dimension was Rosvaldo Durst being taken away in a Nautiloid while their "next characters" gave chase in a shell of a petrified beholder being pulled by an ancient red dragon. Char was dead. Beleval the succubus was nowhere to be found.


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