Session Report 8: The Palace of the Jester Report in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Session Report 8: The Palace of the Jester

General Summary

Earth Date: 26 July 2022
Sigil Date: First Market of Regula, HA138
Sigil Time at the Start of the Session: 5.5 before peak
Sigil Time at the End of the Session: 5.25 hours before peak

  This entire session was spent in the Palace of the Jester. The Kateesh finally conquered the body size changing portal room by seeing letters above the doors. The correct sequence turned out to spell A O S K A R -- the homegrown god of portals in Sigil who was worshipped by Jeriome Fell.   After leaving the portal room and while the characters were still tiny in size, they encountered the barrel full of monkeys encounter with a huge (to them) mechanical ape and tiny mechanical monkeys. They defeated this encounter by Cain flying up to the hanging bucket and releasing the glitter than turned the characters to their normal size.   At the end of the session Ett looked toward the next doorway to see himself, but dressed in a tuxedo, hat, and cane.

  Previous session report: Session Report 7: Ett Escapes, Palace of the Jester 
Next session report: Session Report 9: Aoskar, Marketplace 
Report Date
11 Dec 2022


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