Session Report 9: Aoskar, Marketplace Report in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Session Report 9: Aoskar, Marketplace

General Summary

Earth Date: 2 Aug 2022
Sigil Date: First Market of Regula, HA138
Sigil Time at the Start of the Session: 5.25 hours before peak
Sigil Time at the End of the Session: approximately 2 hours past peak

  This session begins with the final combat at the Palace of the Jester. In this final fight the heros find a fat fairy that looks to be Sugarplum. She is frozen halfway into, and halfway out of, an inactive portal. This, apparently, is Aoskar. She tried to flee through her portal behind her throne when the Lady of Pain, caught up to her and froze her in time and space halfway into her own portal. But she did not die. Instead somehow she was split into a living husk, which the characters know as Sugarplum and this unmoving but still fighting spirit. The spirit of Aoskar commanded some of the ghosts to join the battle. One ghost seemed to take a liking to Liath Doughn and there was a moment where she might have become an ally. But Liath ashewed her granting her the true death that she seemed to desire more. The characters left Aoskar gentle reposed at zero hitpoints, but did not kill her. They also found some jewelry that is worth gold and they found the helm that Jeriome Fell had requested of them.   The Kateesh decided to take their new found gold and go shopping in the Marketplace between the The Lady's Ward and the Clerk's Ward.   In the marketplace they found a merchant of common supplies named Harold Harold. Harold Harold, who calls himself "Square". The characters bought some basic supplies from Square and then starting asking for spell component gems and dusts. Square told them that he didn't have any of that, but that he could get it right away. The Kateesh asked him to do so and he sent his pet black pudding named "Boi" to go get it. Boi crossed the market square to a shop just across the way and then returned with the requested gems, which the Kateesh purchased. Square also told the characters about a particularly skilled blacksmith named Cutlet . Upon being asked, Square provided directions and Caine and Ett were soon off to find Cutlet the Blacksmith who was reputed to be able to improve their mundane comon weapons to a more reliable condition (See Weapon, armor, and shield conditions).     Previous session report: Session Report 8: The Palace of the Jester
Next session report: Session Report 10: Stories of Creation and Destruction
Cutlet is a no non-sense blacksmith of exceptional quality in the Marketplace of Sigil.  He is rumored to be able to craft reliable weapons and armor.
Report Date
11 Dec 2022


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