Session Report 7: Ett Escapes, Palace of the Jester Report in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Session Report 7: Ett Escapes, Palace of the Jester

General Summary

Earth Date: 12 July 2022
Sigil Date: First Market of Regula, HA138
Sigil Time at the Start of the Session: 4 hours after antipeak
Sigil Time at the End of the Session: 5.5 hours before peak First Market of Regula

  This session begins with Ett Tiberon being awakened from his long rest by a kick by Tara. Tara (8 years old, human female), Melody (7 years old, human female bard), and Sam (8 years old, human male druid, Mercykiller in training) are standing there. Sam casts a thorn whip when he felt threatened, but he did not use it on Ett as Ett backed down. Ett re-convinces the children to get her a cart of food from the next morning's breakfast. Ett's plan was to attempt to poison the food to weaken the guards nearby -- or at least to cause a distraction involving restroom visits! Sam refused to help, but Tara agreed and Melody was eventually begrudgingly agreed to help.   Ett then attempted to scout, but was chased back to his hiding place by CrOFL who cornered him for a conversation. CrOFl had been keeping his divination eye on Ett the entire time. He knew Ett was Kateesh and what that means. He told Ett he was not interested in arresting him again or stopping him from "saving the world". CrOFl helped Ett get out of prison by turning him ethereal so that Ett could simply walk through the walls like he had already spread the rumor that he had done. CrOFl exacted one price for this assistance -- Ett now wears the Choker of Proof Against Detection and Location -- Cursed.   Ett returned to Kateesh House Information where he rejoined his friends as they woke up from their long rest. The players noted that they were NOT awakened rudely by the Lady of Pain with searing pain on their foreheads. They then made plans to head to the Palace of the Jester to get the helm for Jeriome Fell.   Upon getting to the Palace, the first riddle was to get in the first door. When they approached the door they were turned around and found themselves walking back out! They solved this puzzle easily by walking backwards through the first door.   The first room inside the Palace contained a slew of ghosts. Later it was learned that these were the followers of Aoskar when the Lady of Pain struck they would be new god of portals down. The ghosts heckled the characters throughout their visit to the Palace. In the first room the players found a series of portals that shrank or grew their various body parts. They needed to make all of their body parts tiny before they could fit through the final portal. They ended the session having made some progress, but not yet figuring out the puzzle.

  Previous session report: Session Report 6: Sugarplum, Fell, and Hungry Thieves 
Next session report: Session Report 8: The Palace of the Jester 
Report Date
11 Dec 2022


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