
This village, which shares its name with the lake that occupies central Snowdown, is hardly noteworthy, apart from its location on the Snowdown Ride between Westphal and Llandrain. However, a small and seemingly insignificant man may hold the power to change the history of the region forever.   The human scribe Heinrich Mucklepratt is a low-level functionary of the Mayor of Harloch, charged with keeping records of the goods passing through the town. Bored with the tedium of his record-keeping, Heinrich spends his idle time studying books on the history of the region. In his search for materials to read, Heinrich came across a book detailing the history and powers of the moonwells. To his knowledge, the druids who maintained these wells are no longer present on Snowdown.   Oddly, when he found the book at a run-down shop in Caer Westphal, it had been pierced by what looked like the horn of some large beast. Heinrich pulled the object from the book and a feeling like an electrical jolt coursed through his body. He liked the feeling so much that he keeps the item with him at all times. And even more oddly, when he holds the horn and reads about the moonwells, his heart beats more rapidly, as if he has just run several miles.   An old Ffolk farmer related a story to Heinrich that one of those moonwells rests on the far side of the lake. Since learning that, Heinrich can’t get the moonwell out of his mind. Although it would mean neglecting his duties, something that he would have never dreamed of doing in the past, Heinrich wants more than anything to take the horn to the moonwell. Then maybe even toss it in.
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