
The town of Llandrain rests on the northern shore of Snowdown, the northernmost terminus of Snowdown Ride. The town houses most of the mining outfits that pull the valuable metals and minerals from the Andover Heights. The Amnian merchants who oversaw the pillaging of the island’s resources used to maintain a crack team of mercenary dwarven miners and guards who are brutally efficient at their jobs  These same miners, now without an employer or way home, have been rumored to have scattered in to loose outfits neither with nor against House Kendrick. Llandrain’s docks are not totally safe either as the reefs that riddle the harbor.   Llandrain was also home to the largest and most rapidly growing group of Moonshavian patriots loyal to House Kendrick. They bidded their time, waiting to fight against the forces of Amn on behalf of their High King. The leader of the patriots was a Ffolk blacksmith named Miles Maddoch, who now finds himself being considered for rule of Snowdown entirely.
Large town
Location under
Owning Organization


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